Beginning a New Year, and Considering the New Foundation

Beginning a New Year, and Considering the New Foundation

© C. O. Bishop September 2005 revised 2025


As a believer, I think it is good to occasionally take a “What Now?” Break: just to take stock, and determine our next step.

There are five ways we tend to make decisions:

  • One is by Habit—just do what we have always done.
  • Another is Convenience—just do what requires the least effort, or thought.
  • Another is Peer Pressure—Just do what pleases our friends, or family, etc.
  • A fourth is Default—we’ve made so many bad decisions, no good choices are left!

But God wants us to make decisions by Direction from His Word. God wants us to consciously align ourselves with His Word, and daily make the choice to obey Him. Sometimes it becomes a moment-by-moment battle, but it is always a choice.

The New Foundation

As believers, we have begun something new in our lives—maybe it was two, ten, twenty, or more years ago—we began a new life, in a new location. We were in Adam, but now we are in Christ. When we trusted Jesus’ finished work at the Cross, depending upon His shed blood for the forgiveness of our sins, we were born again, in Christ.

1st Corinthians 15:22 says that we were “In Adam”, and that we are now “In Christ”. “In Adam, all died: In Christ all shall be made alive…” The issue is our position, in Christ.

Ephesians 2:19-22, says that there has been a sharp change—I am no more a stranger to God, nor to His people. I am a fellow-citizen with His Saints, and in fact, I belong to His household. I am now a child of God. Furthermore, he says, I am built upon the foundation of the apostles and the prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone.

How Was the Foundation Laid?

1st Corinthians 3:10, 11 says, “According to the grace of God which is given unto me (doing what he is gifted to do) as a wise master builder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. For other foundation can no man lay, than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”

So, the foundation IS Jesus, and the apostles (like Paul) are the ones who “laid that foundation” as they did their jobs as church-planters and evangelists. Jesus is the foundation and the cornerstone of the whole church: the Apostles and Prophets are part of the foundation of the church in the sense that through them came the Word of God, and the Church is founded upon God’s Word. But remember: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Jesus is still the whole foundation.

That new Foundation is firm: it’s secure. In Luke 6:47-49, Jesus said that anyone who hears His Word, and obeys it, is like a man who builds his house by digging deep and laying his foundation on a rock (the word here is “Petra” meaning “bedrock”—a monolith—not flagstone, or gravel). He says when the floods come, that house is unshakeable. The contrast is given in both Matthew and Luke, of the man who hears the Word, but does NOT obey, being like someone who builds his house on the earth, or, in Matthew, it says “the sand”, and when the floods came, the house fell because, effectively, there was no foundation.

What is the Problem With Sand?

Perhaps we have poured a slab of concrete: we bolted everything to that slab. We say it is a firm foundation. But if the concrete is on sand—and, if the groundwater takes away the sand, the foundation will move, and crack under its own weight, and the house will be destroyed.

Most sand is made of tiny pieces of rock. (Not all sand is rock —some is coral, or even seashells, ground fine by the waves.) But those tiny pieces of rock, though they are as hard, individually, as the original bedrock, are useless as foundations. They are fragmented. 

In Matthew 16:13-18 Jesus said (specifically about the truth that He is “…the Christ, the Son of the living God”,) “…on this Rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” The word he chose there is “petra”—a feminine word, specifically meaning bedrock—a monolith. (He also called Peter “a rock,” but the word he chose there was “petros,” meaning a stone—something you can pick up and move.) This truth— the bedrock of the Gospel— is the monolith upon which we are to depend.

Other “truths,” whether creeds, ethical codes, or human standards, though seemingly dependable, are only a conglomeration of ideas. They are not firm as a collection: they are like “fragments of stone”…sand. Human reasoning, though it contains many truths, is still like “sand.” There is no underlying monolith…no bedrock of truth on which to build a life.

No Other Foundation

There is no other foundation that can be laid, and none is needed. Once the foundation of Christ is laid, we begin to build upon it. Jesus is the foundation of each believer’s life.

Each of you has placed your trust in the Christ, the Son of the Living God, the Savior: God’s chosen sacrifice!  That one monolithic truth, the fact that Jesus Himself is God’s only solution to sin, death, the grave, and eternal judgment, is the only foundation we can have. That foundation is strong and eternal. It’s secure: It won’t crack, rot, erode, or burn.

So—What Now?

If that foundation was laid in my life, however many years ago, what should I do about it now? Should I just sit back and wait for the Lord’s return? I am already part of the building, right? Well, yes. But there is more to the story:

There is an individual sense in which Jesus Christ is not just” the foundation of the whole church, but also the foundation of the individual Christian’s life.

Let’s go back to 1st Corinthians 3:10-15. (read it)

Paul says we need to pay attention to how we are building on the foundation in our lives.  We are constantly building—and in only two categories. (It looks like six, because there are six things listed, but they fall into two categories: combustible and noncombustible.)

One Test For Eternal Value

In the final analysis, the test will be on the eternal quality of the work we do. The Foundation is secure. Let’s read: He says “… every man’s work will be tested by fire—if his work remains, he shall receive a reward: if his work burns, he shall suffer loss, yet he himself shall be saved, though as one escaping through the flame.”

The Foundation is Rock…it will never burn. Our works, though built upon the foundation of Jesus Christ in our life, may or may not burn—it depends on Who initiated them—Who enabled them?  Jesus said, in John 3:19, that “…he that doeth truth (acting in obedience to the principles of God’s Word) comes to the light that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.” Paul touches on the same idea in Philippians 2:13, saying, “…it is God who works in you, both to will and to do what pleases Him.”

Only God Builds Eternal Structures.

God laid out that same concept a thousand years earlier, saying, (Psalm 127:1) “Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it…

Jesus agreed, in John 15:5, that, “…apart from Me ye can do nothing.”  Now, if any human had said that (and humans HAVE said it), it would be the grossest arrogance. When Jesus said it, it was the simplest truth…Jesus is the Creator and the Sustainer of all things. Colossians 1:17 says, “In Him, all things hold together.” Neither we nor anyone else can even exist apart from Him, let alone accomplish anything of lasting value.

But His works have eternal value. And He says we will receive rewards for allowing Him to work through us. So…what should we do now? Paul says, “Take Heed!” Pay attention! Listen to what the Lord says in His Word, and make it a growing, vital part of your life. The Psalmist poses the question, in Psalm 119:9, “How shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy Word.” The truth hasn’t changed over the years, though the circumstances often have changed.

Making it Personal

I am on the Rock Foundation of Jesus Christ. But what comes of that, in terms of reward, is entirely dependent upon my continuing response to His Lordship. If I take it lightly, he will hold no honor in store for me. 1st Samuel 2:30 says, “…them that honor me I will honor, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed.” We would never go so far as to say we despised the Lord, but what else can you call it, when we ignore His Word?

Remember that He is so closely linked with His Word, that Jesus is called “The Word.” When we either ignore what we know of His Word, or we refuse to feed on His Word, so as to learn more, or we neglect to make Him the center of our life, we are despising His Word—and Him.

A Warning From God

Look at the context of 1st Samuel 2:30—this was a warning, actually a pronouncement of judgment, to a priest—a believer—a genuine man of God, who had become lax. He was no longer  “taking heed”. He hadn’t really heard the Word of God in years. When God chose to speak again, he did so through young Samuel. And the very first message was one of judgment.

I really do NOT want God to have to “shake his head and call me home,” as He did Eli, the priest.  I want to be faithful to His commandment. My desire is to obey God’s Word: to honor the Lord Jesus with my life and be a blessing to my family, to the church, and others. But, I cannot do it except by His empowering Holy Spirit. I have no capacity to live for God, on my own. When Jesus said, “Apart from Me, ye can do nothing,” He meant exactly that.

The Continuing Contrast

In Galatians 5:16-23 (read) Paul states a contrast between two things that sound like extremes: One seems to be total depravity as the result of living in the flesh. The other seems to be some sort of total sanctity, as a result of allowing the Holy Spirit to live through us. But the fact is, those ARE the choices. You either allow the Holy Spirit to live through you, resulting in the kind of a life that God can bless, and that produces works having eternal value (and rewards), or you live in the flesh, thus producing works of temporal value at best, and often of obvious negative value.

Our old nature is not only completely corrupt: Ephesians 4:22-24 says it is getting worse! And, the new nature is not just “better:” GOD says it is created in HIS likeness, in Righteousness, and in True Holiness. We do have a choice, but there is no middle ground. There is no in-between…there is no “neutral.” On a moment-by-moment basis, we are either building with non-combustiblematerials, or we are building with combustible material. And the day is coming when it will all be tested, simultaneously.

How Should We Then Live?

We need to be in the Word. We need to be in Prayer. Of course, we need to be in Fellowship with God, through obedience to His Word, and in Fellowship with other believers by deliberate choice to join with them, and to meet one another’s needs. We need to pray together, study together, and grow together. He calls us to love one another and to love the Lord together. We have the foundation, Jesus Christ. But living by his direction, in fellowship with Him is the only way to build on that foundation anything of lasting value. We have to choose to do so every day—every hour—sometimes on a moment-by-moment basis.

How Will You Choose?

  • Will you choose by habit, and just do what you have always done?
  • Might you choose by convenience, and just do what is easy?
  • Will you choose by peer pressure, so as not to alienate your family or friends?
  • Will you choose by default, because you wait until there are no more choices?

Or, will you choose by direction from God’s Word, and in obedience to His Holy Spirit? That is the only choice that will result in God’s blessing, and building for eternal reward.

I pray that I, as an individual, and that we, as a church, will choose to build wisely.

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