Beginning a New Year, and Considering the New Foundation

Beginning a New Year, and Considering the New Foundation

© C. O. Bishop September 2005 revised 2025


As a believer, I think it is good to occasionally take a “What Now?” Break: just to take stock, and determine our next step.

There are five ways we tend to make decisions:

  • One is by Habit—just do what we have always done.
  • Another is Convenience—just do what requires the least effort, or thought.
  • Another is Peer Pressure—Just do what pleases our friends, or family, etc.
  • A fourth is Default—we’ve made so many bad decisions, no good choices are left!

But God wants us to make decisions by Direction from His Word. God wants us to consciously align ourselves with His Word, and daily make the choice to obey Him. Sometimes it becomes a moment-by-moment battle, but it is always a choice.

The New Foundation

As believers, we have begun something new in our lives—maybe it was two, ten, twenty, or more years ago—we began a new life, in a new location. We were in Adam, but now we are in Christ. When we trusted Jesus’ finished work at the Cross, depending upon His shed blood for the forgiveness of our sins, we were born again, in Christ.

1st Corinthians 15:22 says that we were “In Adam”, and that we are now “In Christ”. “In Adam, all died: In Christ all shall be made alive…” The issue is our position, in Christ.

Ephesians 2:19-22, says that there has been a sharp change—I am no more a stranger to God, nor to His people. I am a fellow-citizen with His Saints, and in fact, I belong to His household. I am now a child of God. Furthermore, he says, I am built upon the foundation of the apostles and the prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone.

How Was the Foundation Laid?

1st Corinthians 3:10, 11 says, “According to the grace of God which is given unto me (doing what he is gifted to do) as a wise master builder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. For other foundation can no man lay, than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”

So, the foundation IS Jesus, and the apostles (like Paul) are the ones who “laid that foundation” as they did their jobs as church-planters and evangelists. Jesus is the foundation and the cornerstone of the whole church: the Apostles and Prophets are part of the foundation of the church in the sense that through them came the Word of God, and the Church is founded upon God’s Word. But remember: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Jesus is still the whole foundation.

That new Foundation is firm: it’s secure. In Luke 6:47-49, Jesus said that anyone who hears His Word, and obeys it, is like a man who builds his house by digging deep and laying his foundation on a rock (the word here is “Petra” meaning “bedrock”—a monolith—not flagstone, or gravel). He says when the floods come, that house is unshakeable. The contrast is given in both Matthew and Luke, of the man who hears the Word, but does NOT obey, being like someone who builds his house on the earth, or, in Matthew, it says “the sand”, and when the floods came, the house fell because, effectively, there was no foundation.

What is the Problem With Sand?

Perhaps we have poured a slab of concrete: we bolted everything to that slab. We say it is a firm foundation. But if the concrete is on sand—and, if the groundwater takes away the sand, the foundation will move, and crack under its own weight, and the house will be destroyed.

Most sand is made of tiny pieces of rock. (Not all sand is rock —some is coral, or even seashells, ground fine by the waves.) But those tiny pieces of rock, though they are as hard, individually, as the original bedrock, are useless as foundations. They are fragmented. 

In Matthew 16:13-18 Jesus said (specifically about the truth that He is “…the Christ, the Son of the living God”,) “…on this Rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” The word he chose there is “petra”—a feminine word, specifically meaning bedrock—a monolith. (He also called Peter “a rock,” but the word he chose there was “petros,” meaning a stone—something you can pick up and move.) This truth— the bedrock of the Gospel— is the monolith upon which we are to depend.

Other “truths,” whether creeds, ethical codes, or human standards, though seemingly dependable, are only a conglomeration of ideas. They are not firm as a collection: they are like “fragments of stone”…sand. Human reasoning, though it contains many truths, is still like “sand.” There is no underlying monolith…no bedrock of truth on which to build a life.

No Other Foundation

There is no other foundation that can be laid, and none is needed. Once the foundation of Christ is laid, we begin to build upon it. Jesus is the foundation of each believer’s life.

Each of you has placed your trust in the Christ, the Son of the Living God, the Savior: God’s chosen sacrifice!  That one monolithic truth, the fact that Jesus Himself is God’s only solution to sin, death, the grave, and eternal judgment, is the only foundation we can have. That foundation is strong and eternal. It’s secure: It won’t crack, rot, erode, or burn.

So—What Now?

If that foundation was laid in my life, however many years ago, what should I do about it now? Should I just sit back and wait for the Lord’s return? I am already part of the building, right? Well, yes. But there is more to the story:

There is an individual sense in which Jesus Christ is not just” the foundation of the whole church, but also the foundation of the individual Christian’s life.

Let’s go back to 1st Corinthians 3:10-15. (read it)

Paul says we need to pay attention to how we are building on the foundation in our lives.  We are constantly building—and in only two categories. (It looks like six, because there are six things listed, but they fall into two categories: combustible and noncombustible.)

One Test For Eternal Value

In the final analysis, the test will be on the eternal quality of the work we do. The Foundation is secure. Let’s read: He says “… every man’s work will be tested by fire—if his work remains, he shall receive a reward: if his work burns, he shall suffer loss, yet he himself shall be saved, though as one escaping through the flame.”

The Foundation is Rock…it will never burn. Our works, though built upon the foundation of Jesus Christ in our life, may or may not burn—it depends on Who initiated them—Who enabled them?  Jesus said, in John 3:19, that “…he that doeth truth (acting in obedience to the principles of God’s Word) comes to the light that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.” Paul touches on the same idea in Philippians 2:13, saying, “…it is God who works in you, both to will and to do what pleases Him.”

Only God Builds Eternal Structures.

God laid out that same concept a thousand years earlier, saying, (Psalm 127:1) “Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it…

Jesus agreed, in John 15:5, that, “…apart from Me ye can do nothing.”  Now, if any human had said that (and humans HAVE said it), it would be the grossest arrogance. When Jesus said it, it was the simplest truth…Jesus is the Creator and the Sustainer of all things. Colossians 1:17 says, “In Him, all things hold together.” Neither we nor anyone else can even exist apart from Him, let alone accomplish anything of lasting value.

But His works have eternal value. And He says we will receive rewards for allowing Him to work through us. So…what should we do now? Paul says, “Take Heed!” Pay attention! Listen to what the Lord says in His Word, and make it a growing, vital part of your life. The Psalmist poses the question, in Psalm 119:9, “How shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy Word.” The truth hasn’t changed over the years, though the circumstances often have changed.

Making it Personal

I am on the Rock Foundation of Jesus Christ. But what comes of that, in terms of reward, is entirely dependent upon my continuing response to His Lordship. If I take it lightly, he will hold no honor in store for me. 1st Samuel 2:30 says, “…them that honor me I will honor, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed.” We would never go so far as to say we despised the Lord, but what else can you call it, when we ignore His Word?

Remember that He is so closely linked with His Word, that Jesus is called “The Word.” When we either ignore what we know of His Word, or we refuse to feed on His Word, so as to learn more, or we neglect to make Him the center of our life, we are despising His Word—and Him.

A Warning From God

Look at the context of 1st Samuel 2:30—this was a warning, actually a pronouncement of judgment, to a priest—a believer—a genuine man of God, who had become lax. He was no longer  “taking heed”. He hadn’t really heard the Word of God in years. When God chose to speak again, he did so through young Samuel. And the very first message was one of judgment.

I really do NOT want God to have to “shake his head and call me home,” as He did Eli, the priest.  I want to be faithful to His commandment. My desire is to obey God’s Word: to honor the Lord Jesus with my life and be a blessing to my family, to the church, and others. But, I cannot do it except by His empowering Holy Spirit. I have no capacity to live for God, on my own. When Jesus said, “Apart from Me, ye can do nothing,” He meant exactly that.

The Continuing Contrast

In Galatians 5:16-23 (read) Paul states a contrast between two things that sound like extremes: One seems to be total depravity as the result of living in the flesh. The other seems to be some sort of total sanctity, as a result of allowing the Holy Spirit to live through us. But the fact is, those ARE the choices. You either allow the Holy Spirit to live through you, resulting in the kind of a life that God can bless, and that produces works having eternal value (and rewards), or you live in the flesh, thus producing works of temporal value at best, and often of obvious negative value.

Our old nature is not only completely corrupt: Ephesians 4:22-24 says it is getting worse! And, the new nature is not just “better:” GOD says it is created in HIS likeness, in Righteousness, and in True Holiness. We do have a choice, but there is no middle ground. There is no in-between…there is no “neutral.” On a moment-by-moment basis, we are either building with non-combustiblematerials, or we are building with combustible material. And the day is coming when it will all be tested, simultaneously.

How Should We Then Live?

We need to be in the Word. We need to be in Prayer. Of course, we need to be in Fellowship with God, through obedience to His Word, and in Fellowship with other believers by deliberate choice to join with them, and to meet one another’s needs. We need to pray together, study together, and grow together. He calls us to love one another and to love the Lord together. We have the foundation, Jesus Christ. But living by his direction, in fellowship with Him is the only way to build on that foundation anything of lasting value. We have to choose to do so every day—every hour—sometimes on a moment-by-moment basis.

How Will You Choose?

  • Will you choose by habit, and just do what you have always done?
  • Might you choose by convenience, and just do what is easy?
  • Will you choose by peer pressure, so as not to alienate your family or friends?
  • Will you choose by default, because you wait until there are no more choices?

Or, will you choose by direction from God’s Word, and in obedience to His Holy Spirit? That is the only choice that will result in God’s blessing, and building for eternal reward.

I pray that I, as an individual, and that we, as a church, will choose to build wisely.

Three Points Are Needed In Our Testimony As Believers

The Testimony of a Believer

© C. O. Bishop 2010 (revised 2024)

Ephesians 2:11-22


Last week we took a rather quick trip through Ephesians chapter 2. Today we will go back and pick up some details.

We often hear people encouraging us to “share our testimony” with others. Sometimes that seems difficult to do. The fact that so many “celebrities” have given “dramatic” testimony on television, the radio, or in public forums doesn’t make it any easier.

We are left to think, “Well I guess I have nothing to say! I didn’t sell drugs on the street, or lead a motorcycle gang, or star in ungodly movies, or run a multimillion-dollar business, or anything like that, and I certainly don’t have a very interesting life.”

But drama is not what the believer’s testimony is about. We are told to very simply share our testimony, to present the good news of salvation, as if we were each just one beggar telling another beggar where to find free food.

What Makes a Salvation Testimony?

Every Christian, in the simplest analysis, has the same testimony:

  • I was lost
  • Jesus saved me
  • I am saved, and (hopefully) am enjoying my new relationship with God. (Details vary.)

Where is the “drama” in that? The only real drama happened at the Cross. If people want drama, they can read the gospel story, and see the crucifixion, and hear Jesus’s promise to the thief on the cross, “Today, thou shalt be with Me in Paradise!” That’s real Drama! And that part is true for every believer. We will be with Jesus forever.

Let’s look at Ephesians 2:11-22, and see what Paul wrote to the believers at Ephesus, during the first century.

Our Old Position

The people to whom he wrote were all believers, but they were predominately Gentile believers. There had been at least a few Jewish believers in that church originally, and I assume that there still were, but evidently, it was mostly Gentile, and he addressed them as Gentiles, reminding them of their OLD position.

Remember, we have talked about positional truths so far, in most of the book of Ephesians. The subject is about to change to “conditional” truths: things that should be true of all believers, but often are not.


Paul said, “Remember…” It is good for us to reflect on the facts of our life,

  • before salvation,
  • at the time of our salvation, and
  • in our life since then.

Paul told them (the Ephesians believers) to remember that they HAD been Gentiles in the flesh—born as heathens—with no connection with God. They were still “genetically Gentiles,” of course, but it no longer affected their relationship with God. The following twelve verses explain what changed, and what resulted from that change.

He said “…remember that you were “called the uncircumcision” by those who are called “the circumcision in the flesh, made by hands.” Those who called them that were only outwardly changed. In reality, they were just as separated from God as the Gentiles whom they scorned.

He said, “…at that time you were without Christ” (no Messiah was promised to the Gentiles, specifically—though the Messiah promised to the Jews was also the Messiah for the Gentiles—but most Gentiles knew nothing about the promised Savior.)

He said, “…you were aliens from the commonwealth of Israel…” (Israel rejected them, and the Gentiles were unable to join their ranks without major changes forced upon them.) He said, “…you were strangers from the covenants of Promise….”  None of the promises to the Jews were specifically TO the Gentiles, though there were plenty that involved them.

We Were Without Hope

Paul pointed out that at that time, before their salvation, they were without hope, and without God—”lost as a ball in high weeds,” effectively. They were in the world, and lost; without hope and without God.

Now—did this only apply to the “bad” people— those who were criminals, or immoral, or something? No, it applied to ALL who were “without God.” That is always the deciding factor.

Think back to Genesis. When Noah went aboard the Ark, and his family went with him, and two of every kind of animal—what happened to those left outside? They all died. Just the wicked? I suppose that could depend on your point of view, since God says we all are possessed of a wicked nature—but good, bad or indifferent, everyone outside the ark was lost. And everyone who is without God (whether they know it or not) is also without hope.

A few verses back, in verses one through three of this same chapter, God described the lostness of the whole human race. And his solution, there (verse 4) and here (verse 13) is the same. In verse 4, it began, “…But God, who is rich in mercy…” here, in verse 12, it says, “But now in Christ Jesus…”

So, What Changed?

This is the transition, in everyone’s testimony. “Yes, I was on God’s ‘death row’, but Jesus died in my place!” or, “I was lost and didn’t even know it—I was just happily headed for Hell—but God sent someone to shine a light on my life, and let me see my lost condition, and Jesus became my Savior when I placed my trust in His shed Blood!” That is the transition, the change—the “What Happened” part of the story.

What does God say about that transition? He says that we have been brought near to God, by the blood of Christ, and that we are in Him. Though we were far away, we have been brought near, in Christ. See verse 13.

He goes on to say that Jesus is our peace, as he has made the two human groups (Jew and Gentile) who once existed side by side, but were always at odds, to be one group, healing the rift between them. In his own flesh, He abolished the enmity between Jew and Gentile.

And, How?

How did he do it? By completely fulfilling the Old Testament Law, that had stood as the divider, for all ages. He fulfilled it for himself, by living a perfect life.

But how did he fulfill it for me? I had already broken the Law, and the Law had only one thing to say to me…it said, “You must die!” Ezekiel 18:4 says “The soul that sinneth, it shall die.” So Jesus fulfilled the Law for me…by dying in my place.

Turn to Galatians 2:19…There, Paul stated, “for I, through the Law, am dead to the Law, that I might live unto God.” Through Jesus keeping the Law for me, I am dead to the Law—when God’s Law looks at me, it sees a dead man, upon whom judgment has already been completed. There is no further condemnation because that judgment was poured out at the Cross. Now I can live for God. I am actually free to do what I was designed to do.

Back in Ephesians again…when Jesus had completed the fulfillment of the Law, he preached peace to us all—Jew and Gentile. Jesus himself had predicted this in John 10:16 by stating, “…other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also must I bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.” I’m not at all sure that the disciples understood that statement, but in light of the rest of scripture, it is pretty easy to see, and to know that this passage in Ephesians is making the same statement.

What is Our New Position?

The bottom line becomes the fact that we have all gained access to the throne of God by the Holy Spirit. The Jews assumed they had access because of being Jews, and because they professed to keep the law. But God says, in Romans 5:2 that we only have access to His Grace by faith—that is the access offered to the whole World.

Ephesians 2:18 states that, as believers, we have access to God, via the Holy Spirit. We cannot approach Him in the flesh. This is a key point to understand. We have been joined to Him permanently; we are saved eternally, but, in terms of relationship, we can only draw near to Him by the Holy Spirit. So, we have to learn to walk by faith, in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, if we want to consistently have access to the throne of God. We do so via 1st John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Then we go back and obey again.

Still In Christ

Are we always “happy” in Christ? Nope. We get frustrated, and cranky, like a bunch of little children whining from the back seat, saying “Are we there, yet??” We still have an old nature…we are still sinners…just saved sinners. Sinners saved by grace. We either learn to walk with God, confessing our sins and learning to obey Him, or we live lives that are up and down…sometimes happy, sometimes not. As a little child, learning to walk, the secret to success is in getting up more often than you fall down.

What else does Paul say about our new position in Christ? He says that we are no more strangers and foreigners. God no longer sees me as a heathen. In fact, he says I am a fellow citizen of heaven, right along with all the saints that have gone before—and, more importantly, I am part of the family of God. I have been born again, and God is my real Father.

What does the Future Hold?

Together with all the believers of this age, we are being built together as a habitation of God. The Holy Spirit lives in each of us individually. But God lives in us collectively. And, collectively, we are called the Temple of God. I don’t feel like a “brick,” or a “doorpost”…but God says I am part of that living temple that He is building for his own glory and pleasure. And that is a good reason to learn to live for Him today. We are now the living temple of God!

We are already placed in His body, as members of the Body of Christ. He says we are currently being built together as a habitation of God. We want God to be glorified in us…so the book of Ephesians is written to that end. God wants us to know how to go about it. We have learned about our new position in Christ, and in the coming weeks, we will examine the rest of what God says about our walk with Him.

But, For Now:

In the meantime, remember that your testimony has three parts, just like the testimony of the Ephesian believers. You can accurately say, I was lost—I was without God. Then you can tell how you were saved…what Jesus did at the Cross for you, and when it was that you received Him as your Savior. Finally, you can tell what it has been like to live as a believer. It is not always easy, is it? Then say so! But then you can tell how Jesus has met your needs in the hard times.

The more frequently you share this story with others, the more natural and easy it will become. Proverbs 11:30 says, “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he that winneth souls is wise.” Let’s begin to show that kind of wisdom, and look for opportunities to win souls, as He has commanded us.

Lord Jesus, open our eyes to the lostness of the world around us. Open our hearts to feel their pain. Help us to reach them with the Good News of the Gospel: the free food that was once offered to us, and which we now offer to others. Allow the light of Your presence to shine through us, to Your Glory.

What Should be the Result of Being “In Christ?”

In Christ—A Continued Study in Ephesians

© C. O. Bishop (Cornell Estates 2010 THCF October 2013) revised 2024

Ephesians 1:15-23

Foundation for progress: Framework for prayer.


In our study of God’s Word, we find that some promises and commands are given to a single individual…and not to anyone else. Some are to a particular family or a particular nation. But, as a rule, the New Testament epistles are to every believer during the Church age. (The word “epistle” just means a “letter”—a written message. They are mostly instructions to the Church.)

A few weeks ago, we discussed positional truth; things that are true of us because we are in Christ. We learned some precious truths from Ephesians 1:1-14. As a brief review of our position in Christ: If you have placed your dependence upon Jesus Christ as your Savior, then:

Positional Truths

  • The book of Ephesians is written to you! (v.1)
  • You are one of the faithful in Christ Jesus. (v.1)
  • God has already blessed you with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies, in Christ. (v.3)
  • God chose you in Christ, before the foundation of the world. (v.4)
  • You are holy and blameless before him, in His Love. (v.4)
  • You are predestined to be recognized as a full heir of God. (v.5)
  • Also, you are predestined to fulfill the good pleasure of His will. (v.5)
  • You are predestined to be to the praise of the Glory of His Grace. (v.6)
  • He has already accepted you “in the beloved” (that is, “in Christ”.) (v.6)
  • You already have been redeemed through His blood. (v.7)
  • You already have full forgiveness of your sins, according to the riches of His Grace. (v.7)
  • God has already abundantly blessed you in His wisdom and prudence. (v.8)
  • He has made known unto you the mystery of His will…one piece at a time. (v.9, 10)
  • Your inheritance in Him is secure. (v.11)
  • You will eternally be to his glory and praise. (v.12)
  • Your position in Him is sealed by the Holy Spirit. (v.13)
  • The indwelling Holy Spirit is the “down payment” of the rest of the glorious inheritance promised to you. You are secure in Christ because He says so, and because the Holy Spirit is your guide, your guard, and your seal until the redemption of the purchased possession. (v.14)

A Foundation for Progress:

These precious promises are the foundation for everything that follows. All the instructions to believers are based on the security of our position in Christ. Without that foundation, none of what follows would be possible, and most of it would be incomprehensible.

In verse 15, Paul has drawn some conclusions: He says that, based on their faith, and their secure position in Christ, he is praying for them. Praying for what? That they should win the lottery? To “live long, and prosper?” No: He says he gives thanks for them, every time he thinks of them. But he goes on to pray for certain specific things.

15 Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints, 16 Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers;

A Framework for Prayer:

We can pray for any person, saved or unsaved. We can pray for physical health and prosperity for any person, saved or unsaved. But the things Paul chose to pray for, about the believers, can only be done for believers.

Without our foundation in Christ, none of what Paul is praying for is even possible. There is no point in asking God to fill an unbeliever with His wisdom, for instance. I will certainly pray for the health and welfare of non-Christians—but the very best thing I can pray for them is that they will be saved…that the Gospel will break through their resistance, and bring them to Christ. Believers are a different story: There are very definite things for which we ought to pray on their behalf. So, let’s see what Paul does ask for:

17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:

“The Spirit of Wisdom”

Paul prays that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ will give unto the believers the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. This is not about the Holy Spirit, who is resident in the body of every believer, but rather the result of His work in the believer’s life.

When 2nd Timothy 1:7 says God “did not give us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and a sound mind,” He is not suggesting that there are several possible “spirits” he could have given, to be contrasted with the Holy Spirit, but rather that the result of the Holy Spirit in our lives should be that we are characterized by power, love, and sound thinking.

Similarly, because of the Holy Spirit’s work in my life, the Word of God should be increasingly open to me. I freely admit there are portions of God’s Word I have never understood. I am thankful that today I understand a good deal more of His Word, and of His character than I did 50 years ago, but I attribute this to God’s Grace, and His Holy Spirit, not to any particular strengths or gifts I possess, nor to hard work on my part.

“And of Revelation”

Paul prayed that the believers would be filled with God’s wisdom; and that He would reveal himself to them (remember they did not yet have the New Testament.)

We look for God’s revelation within the Written Word. Often, in my own study, I will suddenly “see” something that has always been there…a connection between two passages, or a pattern I had not previously grasped.

God continually reveals Himself to His people…just as Paul prayed He would. And He does so as His people seek to Know Him—that is, to gain an experiential, working, personal knowledge of the Living God (Gr. “ginosko”– in Spanish it would beconocer.”)

This is not just being “aware of a fact.” There is a separate word in Greek for that—the word “eido.” (Spanish has this same structure: “saber” means “to know as a fact.” English lacks this distinction.) People may “know” that there is a God, for instance, but they can’t know Him personally until they approach him through Jesus Christ. And, even then, it will be a growing, deepening relationship, not a “once-met, fully-understood” idea.

“In The Knowledge of God”

So, how can we “Know God?” According to Proverbs 1:7, the beginning of such knowledge is the “fear of the Lord.” When we first recognize our sin and our hopeless guilt before the God who we now recognize as our Judge, we have experienced that initial fear of the Lord.

Then we approach Him as lost sinners, and we cast our hope upon His blood at the Cross. We still fear his displeasure, but now He is our Redeemer and our Savior. And now we can draw still nearer to him, as our provider, our teacher, and our friend. We read His Word, and we try to discern His will. And we pray, seeking to know His direction for our lives. We learn to love Him and trust Him more and more. And in the process, we learn a pattern of obedience, and we begin to reflect His likeness in our behavior.

Paul says this “relational knowledge” should produce the spirit of wisdom and revelation in our lives. His wisdom changes our behavior, and His constant revelation of Himself to us through His Word satisfies our souls.

Paul Prays that the “Eyes of Our Understanding” May be Enlightened.

18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,

Physical eyes are useless without physical light. People frequently talk about having good “night vision”, but even cats, owls, and other such nocturnal animals cannot see in total darkness. All eyes require at least some light…it is just that some require less than others. But the source of light for “the eyes of our understanding” is the Word of God, alone!

John 1:1, 14 states that Jesus is the living Word. Revelation 19:13 calls Jesus “The Word of God.John 1:9, 10 says that He is the true Light, which lights every man that comes into the world. In John 8:12, Jesus said, “I am the light of the World!” Jesus is our only source of enlightenment. When Paul prayed for the eyes of our understanding to be “enlightened,” he expected it to be done through the agency of the Word of God—(Jesus, specifically, but the written Word, as well.)

So, what happens when eyes receive more light? Usually, they see more, right? So, what does Paul expect us to see, and understand, as our understanding is enlightened through God’s Word?

What Does Paul Expect Us to See and Understand?

  1. We can understand and know what is the hope of His calling. God wants us to “dig in” and find out what it is He offers us…and truly understand the joy of what is yet to come. We are attempting to do exactly that in this study and others.
  2. That we may know the riches of the Glory of His inheritance in the saints—not our inheritance in Him. I don’t fully understand this. I do know Jesus says his saints are a “treasure” to Him. But, quite frankly, I don’t see us that way. We are a bunch of rebellious, stubborn sinners, that He has somehow transformed into a body of believers. He has declared us to be righteous in Him. And it is literally so! But I can’t grasp that on an intuitive, emotional basis.

19 And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power,

Three Words For “Power”

  • Paul also prays we will understand the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe…the same power that He used when He raised Christ from the dead. There are several words translated as “power,” in the Bible, and three of them are used in this passage. The most common one is “dunamis”—this is the word from which we get the word “dynamo” (a power-generating device) and the word “dynamic.” It is the “Can Do” power of God: The “Is there anything too hard for me?” power of God. This is the first word translated as “power” in verse 19.  It is His ability toward us who believe.

The second word for power, in verse 19, is the word “kratos”—meaning “dominion:” Rulership… ruling over things or persons. Because God has dominion over all things, He could raise Jesus from the Dead.

20 Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, 21 Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:

The Importance of Authority

But another word translated as “power” is “exousia”—it means “authority.” Jesus said, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth…” and He meant authority. But the “dunamis” power (the “can-do” power) is also His. So, because He is the Ruler, God possesses both the authority and the ability to do anything He desires, in this world and the world to come. And, He wants to exert that power through us to reach the world around us.

Notice that in verses 20 and 21, Jesus was not only “raised from the dead:” He was set at the right hand of God the Father (the proper place for God the Son), and He is “far above” every other authority (power,) including not only all human authority but all super-human (angelic) authority. This is where the word “exousia” is used in this passage…to point out that the authority of Jesus Christ exceeds all other authority. The Father and the Son are in perfect agreement—there is never a conflict there. But when we fear that some local “conflict of authority” may “limit” God’s protection for us, God says His authority exceeds all others.

Jesus is The Head of the Body, the Church

22 And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, 23 Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.

God has made Jesus the head of a new creation—the Church: His body. The Church, proper, includes “all believers from the day of Pentecost to the moment of the Rapture.” I don’t understand everything about that Body. Verse 23, says that we are His fullness: I don’t understand how that is so, but it refers to Church-age believers, only. Not the Old Testament saints. I don’t know why God does things the way he does—and that is OK. He is God: what He does is right, and good, and Holy.

Now, notice: in the short outline for prayer that Paul laid out, he talks about things that are far beyond our scope of natural understanding:

  1. He wants us to fully know the Hope of His calling
  2. He prays that we will fully know the Riches of His inheritance in the Saints…the Church!
  3. God wants us to fully know the utter enormity of His limitless ability, His dominion, and His authority, which He applies on our behalf.

And with that enlightenment of “the eyes of our understanding,” we have a reasonable hope of understanding at least a fair amount of it. All of the wisdom, understanding, and joy he offers is dependent upon us seeking a growing, deepening relationship with Jesus, the author of wisdom. This is a conditional promise, unlike the “positional” promises in the first 14 verses. Backing up further, it all depends upon our being “IN Christ” in the first place. The prime “condition” to all these promises, is our position in Him: having received Christ as our Savior.


The first question, then, has to be: “Where are you today, in your own life?” Are you in Christ? Have you placed your trust in Jesus’ shed blood as full payment for sin? If so, then you are “in Christ,” a member of His body, and you are heir to all the things in Ephesians 1:1-14. The promises and blessings in the first 14 verses are all unconditional. If you belong to Jesus, then all those things belong to you, permanently. Salvation is a gift: it is completely dependent upon what Jesus did at the Cross. All God asks is that you place your faith in His completed work.


The things in the last nine verses are conditional…they depend first upon your being a believer, and second, upon your choosing to grow!

We must choose to deepen our relationship with God. And, even while consistently choosing to draw near to God, there is an endless continuum, in which we can continue to grow; from today until the day when He takes us home forever.

Rewards are not a gift; they are dependent upon our obedient response in this area. If, as a believer, we choose to go our own way, we will not lose our position in Christ, but our condition will surely suffer, and our rewards will certainly diminish.

Whatever your position or condition today, I pray that you will respond to the call of God, and draw near to Him. May the Lord give you the strength to do so.

Lord Jesus, fill us with the desire to know You personally, and to learn to learn to walk with You.

What is the Result of the “Federal Headship” Doctrine?

What is the Result of the “Federal Headship” Doctrine?

Romans 6:1-10; compare Romans 5:12 and 1st Corinthians 15:22


Two (and three) weeks ago we talked in detail about our new position in Christ, reading from Ephesians 1:1-14. Last week we talked extensively about the concept of Baptism, specifically how we were baptized by the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ. Today we will look at both our position in Christ and that Baptism by the Holy Spirit, reading from Romans 6:1-10.

In the past, we talked briefly about the doctrine of “Federal Headship.” Since Romans 6 is so heavily involved with that particular doctrine, it seems good to spend more time with it today.

Romans 5:12

If you remember anything of the previous teaching, you will remember that when Adam sinned, we sinned with him…in him. God counted Adam’s fall into sin as our fall into sin> He acted as our representative. As a race, we have consistently demonstrated the truth of that bit of history, in that all of us continue in sin, to varying degrees.

Adam exercised his authority (probably unknowingly; truly ignorant of the outcome) to make a decision on behalf of the whole human race. He became the head of the entire fallen race of Man. We had no real choice in the matter, though it is evident that we would have made the same choice as Adam did. Collectively, we were “dead in sin,” as Paul teaches in Ephesians chapter two.

1st Corinthians 15:22

But the other side of the Federal Headship concept is the fact that Jesus is the head of a new Man. Jesus exercised His authority as well; in full knowledge of what he was doing, to make a decision for all of humanity. But in this particular case, God gave us a choice. We can stay “in Adam,” where we were born, or we can be transferred into Christ via the new birth. Today, the text in Romans 6 speaks to those who already consciously have chosen to trust in Jesus’ blood sacrifice: those who already have been born again as members of that “New Man.” This letter is to the members of the Body of Christ.

Romans 6:1-10

Dead to Sin

Just as we fell into sin with Adam, and were dead in sin, we were crucified with Christ and are dead to Sin. We have no consciousness of either one. Both actions were done on our behalf. The one was done without our knowledge, and we had no personal choice—it is simply a fact. The other was also done without our knowledge, but, having heard the Gospel, we did have a choice: we could either receive that gift of Eternal Life, through Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection… or reject it.

We know, too, that Grace came, in the Person of Jesus Christ, as God’s only solution for Man’s sin. So, Paul first poses the question,

1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? 2 God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?

Should we sin more to get more Grace? Absolutely not! It is unfitting for us to remain in sin, because that is no longer where we live! We are dead to sin. This is Paul’s opening statement of fact, and upon its truth and exactitude hangs all the rest of the argument.

How Are We Dead To Sin?

How can Paul say that we are dead to sin? I certainly don’t feel dead! On the other hand, I doubt that I would have said I felt “dead to God,” before I was a believer. I felt pretty alive, and wouldn’t have even understood the concept of being “dead to God.”

Think back, though: when Adam fell into sin, he died spiritually the moment he physically ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He was separated from fellowship with God. Yes, 930 years later, his spirit was separated from his body, as well. We call that “physical death.” But at the moment he ate that fruit, his spirit was separated from God. He died spiritually.

God’s Intervention

Had God not intervened with Grace, and restored fellowship, Adam would have been lost… permanently separated from God. In my own case, as an unregenerate man, I was separated from God… I was dead to God. I was born that way. Had I physically died in that state I would have been eternally lost. That is the simple truth.

But now, being joined to God through Jesus’ sacrifice and by God’s Grace, I am “separated” from sin as a principle. In God’s sight, I have been separated from my old sin nature, because He gave me a new nature in the new birth. Now it is possible for God to fellowship with me, and it is possible for me to love Him…because I have a new nature.

From God’s perspective, the old sin nature is dead. He does not propose to patch it up, correct all its ills, or restore fellowship to it. If we read Romans 8:7, we can see that the old sin nature is (still…present tense) antagonistic toward God, and it cannot be made subject to Him. God says it can’t be done.

So, the only way He can redeem a fallen human is to offer them a new birth. The old sin nature had to be set aside. I have not lost my old sin nature, but I am “separated” from it. God wants fellowship with the new Me; He does not seek to change the old Me; but rather to let it starve as He feeds the new Me.  So, how did I die to sin, then?

Baptized into Death

3 Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?

The baptism to which Paul refers, here, is not water baptism. There is no water in this passage. Water baptism is only an object lesson—a picture, or a demonstration— of something real that has already happened. Water baptism (in the New Testament) is reserved for believers because it announces that the baptism by the Holy Spirit has already occurred…that the believer has been placed into the Body of Christ by the Holy Spirit. (1st Corinthians 12:13)

So, Water Baptism announces what has already happened: I have been separated from my old sin nature, because Jesus’ death is reckoned as my death. I died with him: just as I died in Adam, and was lost, I have been crucified with Christ, and my sins have been dealt with at the Cross. I am separated from my old sin nature through that death. When did it happen? The moment I trusted His completed work at the Cross as being full payment for my sins. At that moment, the Holy Spirit placed me into the Body of Christ, though I was completely unaware of it.

But Paul says that “death with Christ” is not all I gained there: I also gained eternal life!

Baptized into Life

4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.
if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection:

Just as I was fully identified with Adam in his sin and his spiritual death, and I was born that way, I am now fully identified with Jesus in His death, burial, and resurrection, to the extent that God expects me to start living in that reality. Why?

Because I have been re-born that way. In short, He says that because I already have been re-born a literal child of God, I am to begin acting that way. And his reasoning is very clear: he says that I am dead to sin—separated from it. I have a moment-by-moment choice to make as to which nature (old or new) will be manifest and prominent in my daily life. I am to “walk in the newness of life.” As I mature in my Christian life, that walk will become more consistent.

Two Natures

When I started Bible school, one of the staff members had two children living there in the school: I assumed they were much older than they truly were. The older girl seemed to be in her early twenties, but occasionally she acted like a 16-year-old. Her brother seemed to be ten or twelve, but occasionally he acted like a five-year-old. This was very irritating until I learned that she actually was 16 and he actually was five (but large for his age.) Both usually seemed fairly mature, but both kids occasionally just “acted their age!”

Sometimes Christians are under the control of the Holy Spirit, and we are impressed with the grace in their lives. Occasionally they “act their age,” so to speak, and behave like “natural” men. (And, YES, it is sin!) But that does not make them a hypocrite—it proves that they have two natures, just like you! We need the constant control and guidance of the Holy Spirit in our lives to have any sort of consistent walk with Him.

The next phrase (verse 5) assures me that since I have been buried with him (in him—this is what Federal Headship implies), then I shall be (future tense) also in the likeness of His resurrection.  From the moment I was born again, when I believed the Gospel and received Christ as my Savior, I’ve been guaranteed a resurrection, to be with Him and like Him forever!

A Done Deal

In fact, in Ephesians 2:6, he states that God has already “raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ.” There’s that “location clause” again. This is positional truth. The only conditions are the ones laid down by Jesus himself: (John 5:24) “He that heareth my words and believeth on Him who sent me…” Those who have heard the Gospel and believed it—placed their full trust in the completed work of Jesus at the Cross, are placed into Christ, and they are safe in Him forever.

The identification is so complete that God views it as already done. He will never again see me as a lost sinner; my old self is separated from the new me—“dead”—and the new person (created at my new birth, whether I knew it or not) is free forever from the curse of the Law. What an amazing change!  My old position, in Adam, left me completely doomed. My new position, in Christ, leaves me completely blessed, and fully accepted by God.

What Should the Result Be?  

6 Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. 7 For he that is dead is freed from sin.

If I know that I am dead to sin, and dead to the Law, what should the result be? I should begin to place my trust in that fact, and not give in to the desires of sin anymore. This is not just self-control; it’s recognition that those desires are no longer “mine”—they are the desires of my old sin nature, and, though it still exists within me, it is an “enemy within the gates”, so to speak.

I have to be conscious that it is there, recognize its movements and inclinations, and defend my heart against them. Fortunately, I am not alone in this battle. I am indwelt by the Holy Spirit, and He is faithful to warn me and to guide me, so that I can see what to avoid.

Only By the Spirit

Is it easy? No! In fact, without the constant empowering and enabling of the Holy Spirit, it is utterly impossible. Unbelievers, through self-control, can appear to be good persons, and do good things, and avoid bad things, etc., but their actions are still controlled by their old sin nature (the only one they have as an unbeliever.) So, the scripture says (Isaiah 64:6) that even their “righteousnesses are as filthy rags”; and so are mine, if I try to “do good things” in my own fleshly power and motives. This is true of the whole human race.

I have nothing to offer God except my new nature, and the work the Holy Spirit can do through me. As an unbeliever, even my thoughts and prayers were corrupted by who I was as a sinner. The only prayer of an unbeliever that God commits Himself to answer is the one that confesses Him as Savior and places faith in His Grace.

God’s Guarantee

8 Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him: 9 Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him. 10 For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God.

God has given us a guarantee that we will live with Him eternally; He asks us to start living in that reality today—now. He says that since Jesus can never die again, and can never be tested again, and has paid the price for sin, once-for-all, we should take heart from that fact and step forward into the liberty He offers us as well. As a result, He says we can be free from the ravages of sin in our lives!

We do not have to be torn apart by fear, jealousy, pride, anger, and lust. We can be free from the destructive, conflicting desires of our old nature, only because we are part of a new creation. It is because we have been separated from our old nature to the extent that we no longer have to obey it. I will freely tell you, however, that while this is completely true, I certainly have not mastered this concept. I find it a very difficult idea to grasp.

Next time we will discuss how that is supposed to work.

Lord Jesus, lead us into the truth of your Word. Enable us to walk in the newness of life!

Compare your “Position” In Christ vs. Your “Condition”

In Christ—Comparing “Position” and “Condition”

(Part One)

© 2024 C. O. Bishop

Ephesians 1:1-7


Recently, questions have come up in our Bible Studies which convinced me that we should take a break from 1st Corinthians. We need to address some foundational truths in Ephesians. Please turn with me to the book of Ephesians, chapter one.

Ephesians 1

1Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus:  2 Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

To The Believers

The Apostle Paul initially addressed his Epistle to the church at Ephesus, but he used words showing that it truly is addressed to all believers, everywhere, throughout the Church age. The first major theme is that the believers are “in Christ.”

Paul said the letter is to the Saints at Ephesus and to the faithful in Christ Jesus. That includes all the believers of the Church age. He offers to all believers the Grace of God which results in the Peace of God. Another thing: he referred to the believers as “Saints”…we tend to think of saints as “super-Christians.” But the word means “holy; sanctified; set apart for God’s purpose”—it does NOT mean problem-free, or sinless.

The saints here are the “faithful in Christ Jesus”—and if you are a believer, that includes you. (Notice it does not say, “…those who are faithful to Christ.” but rather “…those who are the faithful in Christ”) That means the believers—this letter is addressed to you—these truths apply to you. (Listen carefully, because the book of Ephesians is a letter from God to you.)

Grace, then Peace

Now: notice that Grace always precedes Peace in the Christian experience. This is especially true at Salvation, where God’s Grace had to be extended to me before I could have peace with Him. But, it is also true in daily life, where I continue to need God’s Grace to experience His peace. The one peace is the peace with God; the other is the peace of God.

One is named in Romans 5:1 “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Compare Ephesians 2:8, 9 “By Grace are ye saved through Faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.” ) Romans 5:10 says that we were enemies of God. But now we are at peace with God.

The other (the Peace of God) is identified in Philippians 4:6, 7. “Be careful (anxious) for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. And the Peace of God, which passeth all understanding will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

I need to seek God’s Grace all the time—He is my sustenance, and by His Grace, I live. He’s the true source of peace. Peace with God means God no longer holds my sins against me. His Justice and Holiness were truly satisfied at the Cross. The Peace of God is what sustains me in everyday life—especially in rough times. But both are the result of His Grace.

All Spiritual Blessings

3   Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:

It is strange, how we extend our blessing back to God…but we do—and it is something that is very consistent throughout the scripture. It would seem logical that only He can bless us…but the reality is that we also bless God. It is a form of worship.

And the next thing it says is that He has already blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. This is the introduction to the next section…He says four things:

  1. God has blessed us—(that’s past tense…He already blessed us)
  2. With all spiritual blessings—(there is nothing lacking)
  3. In heavenly places—(not all the blessings are visible: we accept His blessing by faith.)
  4. In Christ—(the blessings are in Him, and they are ours because we are in Him.)

All Spiritual blessings are already yours, because of your relationship with Jesus Christ. This is called a positional truth. If you have received the Lord Jesus as your Savior, all the things in this passage are already yours. Some may argue that this statement only means that the blessings are in Christ, but we will see that not only are we “In Christ.” but we are also “seated in the Heavenlies” with him, though we certainly don’t feel that way. Ephesians 2:6 says you are already seated in the heavenlies. But, most importantly, you are in Christ.

There Are Two Possible Positions (Locations):

1st Corinthians 15:22, lists two positions: “in Adam,” and “in Christ,” with the results of each. These two possible positions (or locations) can be compared with the same relative positions regarding Noah’s Ark. When the flood came, everyone on earth was in one of two places—they were either in the Ark, or they were not in the Ark.  Similarly, everyone today is either in Christ or not in Christ…in which case they are still in their natural state, “in Adam.” Let’s see what the Bible says is true about you, because you are in Christ.

4   According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

This is where it says we were chosen in Him before the foundation of the world. Now I could take that at least two different ways. I could say that “we” who believe were chosen in Christ (that is, as a group—“those who would believe”) or I could say that each of us were hand-picked for his glory. And I believe both are probably true.

Why Two Positions?

1st John 2:2 says Jesus died for the sins of the whole world, but not all people choose to receive Him. The majority do not! In John 6:44, Jesus said, “No man can come to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him.” But, in John 12:32, He also said, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” His Grace is extended to all, but not all believe.

This agrees with John 1:12 “…but as many as received Him, to them gave He power (exousia: “authority”) to become (genesthe: “be generated as…born as”) the sons (the word here is tekna: “children”—literally, “born-ones”) of God, even to those who believe on His name.” 

There is an element of personal choice, as confusing as it may sound. To be honest with God’s Word I have to teach both ideas—God’s Sovereignty, and Man’s free moral agency. It is a powerful, precious, and dangerous gift, this gift of choice. Use it wisely. Choose Christ.

We are Chosen to be Holy and Blameless before Him.

This is in the context of positional truth, so I’ll address it that way first. You are holy to God—you are blameless in His sight. This is simply a fact, (Ephesians 4:24 says that our new nature…the one we received at the new birth, iscreated in righteousness and true holiness.”)

This is a positional truth…it is true because you are in Christ. Now: based on that reality, you are also called to live a holy life and to live a blameless life. But God says He will give you both the will and the ability to do it. Philippians 2:13 says “It is God that worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.” Our position does not dependon our condition. We will talk more about position and condition. For the moment, remember that:

  • “Position” is WHO you are, and WHAT you are, because of WHERE you are (In Christ!)
  • “Condition” is HOW you are doing, and WHAT you are doing.

Practical Application

Your position in Christ is perfect: your condition may be terrible. Samson was in terriblecondition” as a believer—but his position was perfect.

Lot was in such bad shape as a believer that no one would have guessed he was one. But in 2nd Peter 2:7, 8, God says Lot was a righteous man. As believers, because we are in Christ, our lives are lived under the mantle of God’s unconditional Love. He no longer sees us as lost sinners. He sees us as His dear children, born to Him by the new birth. Therefore, He brings us along, step by step, as He molds us into His own image. He is pleased with our toddling efforts to learn to walk with Him. He no longer condemns us for our failures.

What is Biblical Adoption?

5   Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

As believers, we are predestined to what God calls “adoption.” (The Greek word is huiothesis:) It means the “placing of sons.” It is a legal term, an official term: not a familial term. Adoption is not how you became a child of God: Adoption is how you, as a born child of God will be recognized as a full heir of God. This idea comes from Greek and Roman society, where a man had to officially recognize an heir, before that child was recognized as a “Son”—a “huios.”

Romans 8:23 says the completion of that process will not happen until you receive your new body. We already have been born again, begotten of God. We are called “teknia:” His “born-ones”—His offspring… His little children. But we will not be fully established as Sons, until we are with him. However, we have received the Spirit of adoption, according to Romans 8:15

No Confusion Needed

To avoid confusion, it is good to understand the difference between the kind of “adoption” that is common in our society and the one that is spoken of in the New Testament. In our society, adoption always means “taking responsibility for someone who is not your offspring and treating them as someone who is your offspring.” But, the Bible word “adoption” always means taking your own offspring, and declaring them to be your legal heir.

Remember that in our form of adoption, our adopted child will never take on our genetic characteristics, because they were not born to us. In the New Testament, while Jesus declared that not all are God’s children, He also said that all could become God’s literal children by faith, through the new birth. The invitation is to “whosoever believeth in Him.”

Incidentally, it is probably good to notice that it is “according to the good pleasure of HIS will” that He does this—not because we want Him to, or any other reason. He is the Sovereign God and the Eternal Father. (Do you want something to think about, and puzzle over? Read Isaiah 9:6, 7—Then ask yourself, “Who is the Everlasting Father?”)

What Will Be The Result?

6 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.

I will be “to the praise of the glory of His grace!” By His Grace, He has (past tense) made me accepted in the Beloved…I’m accepted by God, in the Beloved(Jesus Christ.) There’s that “position” thing again…because I am now found in Christ, I am accepted by God in Him.

I can’t overstate the importance of your position in Christ: If you are not in Christ, then none of these things are true about you. They don’t apply. You are not accepted, not predestined to the adoption of sons, etc. So. Where is the “dividing line?” How do I know whether I am “in Him?” Well, that is the next verse!

7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;

The redemption is through His Blood. If I have placed my dependence in His Blood, as the only possible payment for my sins, then I now have redemption in him. I have now been “bought back” out of the marketplace of Sin. Redemption is a precious concept. This Greek word, “lutroō, means to be set free—it is used together with another word (exagorazo) meaning “bought out of the marketplace, not to be sold again.” They mean I have been bought out of the slave-market of sin, with the express purpose of being set free, forever. (Wow!)

How Can We Know for Sure?

So, “How can I know if I am in him?” The answer is fairly simple—it is on the strength of Jesus’ promise in John 5:24. “Verily, verily I say unto you, he that heareth my word, and believeth on Him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life.”

Because of that promise, I can confidently say: “If you have heard the good news of Jesus’ death for your sins, and His resurrection, and have placed your faith in His finished work at the cross, then you have eternal life (read the promise again—that’s exactly what it says), you will never be condemned, but rather, you have crossed over (there’s your “dividing line”) from death unto life. It can’t be any simpler.

What Have We Learned?

  • The Book of Ephesians is to you!
  • You are one of the faithful in Christ Jesus. You are a Saint: God’s private property!
  • God has already blessed you with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies, in Christ.
  • Along with all believers, You were chosen in Him before the foundation of the world.
  • You are holy and blameless before God, in His Love.
  • You are now predestined to be recognized as a full heir of God.
  • Also, you are now predestined to fulfill the good pleasure of His will.
  • You are now predestined to be to the praise of the Glory of His Grace.
  • God has already made you accepted in the beloved (in Christ.)
  • You already have been redeemed through His blood.
  • You already have full forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His Grace.

Next week we will continue into Ephesians 1:8-14. By the time we complete the first 14 verses of this chapter, we will see seventeen things that are all true of you, because you are “In Christ.”

Lord Jesus, take us in hand and teach us the elements of Faith, so that we may stand firm in the perfect position You have purchased for us, and learn to behave in a manner appropriate to that position.

How Do I Know ALL of the Bible is Really For Me? (Part 2)

How Do I Know the Bible is For Me? (Part 2)

© 2024 by C. O. Bishop

Romans 7:13; Romans 8:2 and many others…


Last week we began looking at the internal evidence that some of the Bible is directed to us, personally, and ALL of it is for us, given for our learning and edification. (“Edification” means to “build up,” or to strengthen.  The word “edifice” is still sometimes used to mean “a building.” And, in 1st Corinthians 3:9, God says “…ye (plural) are God’s building.” So, He wants to “build us up” and strengthen us. And all of His Word is given for that purpose.

2nd Timothy 3:16, 17 reminds us that “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, (complete) thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”

Last week we looked at commands and promises given to individuals in the historical narratives of the Old Testament, and we saw how some of them could be applied as being for us to live by. But God gave others, only for examples from which we can learn the principles of God’s righteousness.

In 1st Corinthians 10:11, Paul says, “Now all these things happened unto them for examples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.”

Who is it For?

You remember that Daniel (in Daniel 12:8, 9) was told that the prophecy he had just received was not for him but rather for the people of the end times. The Apostle Paul saw that the church is increasingly part of that “end times” fulfillment. Today we eagerly look to see that “end times” fulfillment of Daniel’s Prophecy, as it is happening. But, we also need to look eagerly to see and obey the admonitions of the Old Testament scriptures that Paul points out.

David spoke to that effect, as well, in Psalm 119:9-11, 105, 130. “9Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy word. 10With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from they commandments. 11Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

105 Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”

130 The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding to the simple.”

This is how we learn to walk with God: by feeding on His Word. (And it is all food! If you are hungry, Eat!)

What About the “Personal” Books?

In the books of Ruth, Esther, and Job, we see corroboration of the historical books, as well as “inside information” about some of the events in those histories.

The events in the Book of Ruth all occurred during the history of the Book of Judges. But it tells us some “inside information” regarding the Genealogy of Christ, and, in doing so, it paints a clear picture of the coming Kinsman-Redeemer. We could see that Boaz was a picture of Jesus, our Redeemer. We could also see that Ruth, the Moabite woman, was a picture of the Church. She was a gentile woman. She came from a tribe God had cursed (the Moabites,) but God “grafted her into” the genealogy of Christ, as one of his human ancestors!

The events in the Book of Esther happened during the Babylonian captivity: This book links the Jews in Exile to their Redeemer, showing that He had not forgotten them. When the enemy moved to destroy them, God intervened. (Incidentally, this book is also the origin of the Feast of Purim, which commemorates that delivery, and is still celebrated today by Orthodox Jews.)

The events in the Book of Job probably transpired about the same time Abraham was alive, though we can’t attach a definite date. But it tells us a good deal of “inside information” about our relationship with God, the limitations of Satan’s authority, and a few details about the Creation, as well as hints about the angelic host. And we see a prophecy, (Job 19:2527) reaching far into the future, to the second coming of Christ, after the Great Resurrection!

Again: it is all food! If you are hungry, EAT!

What About the “Meditations and Wisdom” Portions?

What Should We Do With Them?

The Psalms and Proverbs hold Eternal Wisdom. So do the Song of Solomon and Ecclesiastes. Some parts are more easily applicable than others, but all of them are there for us to read, to memorize, upon which we are encouraged to meditate, and always, by which we are to profit!

We just quoted a portion of Psalm 119. That chapter is 176 verses long, and all but four verses refer in some way directly to the profitability and necessity of the Word of God! David used many other terms other than “word” to make clear the multifaceted nature of God’s Word:

“Precepts, commandments, statutes, testimonies, law, ways, judgments, words, truth, and ordinances.” All these are used to describe His Word. And, the four verses that do not directly refer to His Word all speak of His faithfulness and judgment, or (in one verse) His eternal Name.

Wisdom is Practical

In the Proverbs, we find God’s Wisdom, in practical application. Proverbs chapter two says that if we want the wisdom of God, we must pursue it through His Word and ask for it in Prayer.

In Ecclesiastes, we hear the echo of God’s Wisdom coming through a man (Solomon) who had engaged in much folly. At the end of his life, he recognized the total waste of time and energy it all had been. He counseled that the reader should drop the nonsense and focus on the Lord.

The Song of Solomon describes a love relationship between a bride and her beloved, the King. In the time when it was written, it spoke of the king (Solomon) and his betrothed (The Shulamite girl.) But, the ultimate fulfillment is in the relationship between Christ (the King of Kings) and the Church (The Bride of Christ.)

It is all food for your soul, and if you feed upon it, you will grow!

But, What About The Law?

In Exodus 19:5, God told Israel that they were to be “a peculiar people” unto Him. (We would say, “special.”) The concept is that God gave His covenant (and His Law) to Israel alone. The Law was “iron-clad” to Israel, but it had zero bearing on the heathen nations around them. (By the way, the word “Gentile” means “heathen.”) The Law revealed the depravity of the entire human race, including Israel. But God gave it to Israel, and Israel alone.

If someone from another nation desired to become part of Israel, they had to submit to God’s Law for Israel. They could “do business” with Israel without becoming a Jewish Proselyte. They could even worship the God of Israel without becoming a proselyte. But they could not “attach themselves” to the Nation of Israel without embracing the Law.

Naaman the Syrian, in 2nd Kings 5, is a prime example. He chose to worship the God of Israel but never became a Jewish Proselyte. God healed him of his leprosy “by Grace, through faith.” (Sound familiar?) God’s Grace moved him to faith in the God of Israel, but he remained a Syrian! He asked for, and took a mule-load of Israel’s soil, to make an altar at home: He said he would now worship only the God of Israel. And through Elisha, God pronounced His blessing on his choice.

Then What Value Does the Law Hold for Us, Today?

That question comes up repeatedly, today: The “road to understanding the answer” has two “ditches.” (Most roads have two “ditches.” The idea is to “stay between the ditches!”)

“Ditch 1:”

One “ditch” to avoid, is the idea that the Law has no bearing on our lives today. That is simply not true! It has great value, as Romans 7:13 points out. Paul says God gave the Law “to show the exceeding sinfulness of sin!” We can learn the principles of the Righteousness of God by reading the Law and meditating upon the underlying concepts.

“Ditch 2”

Trying to“achieve the righteousness of God” through our human efforts at obedience is the other “ditch” to avoid. 2nd Corinthians 5:21 tells us that God made Jesus (who knew no sin) to BE sin, for us “…that we might be made the Righteousness of God, in Him!”

“Staying between the Ditches”

God has to do it! You cannot “achieve” the righteousness of God. Romans 10:3 says (regarding the Jews) that in “…going about to establish their own righteousness, they have not submitted themselves to the Righteousness of God.” This righteousness is not based on works at all! It is God’s gift, through Jesus Christ. God has to declare you “righteous.”

Galatians 2:19-21 says “I, through the Law, am dead to the Law that I might live unto God. I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. I do not frustrate the Grace of God: for if righteousness come by the Law, then Christ is dead in vain.

The Law cannot produce Righteousness: it never could! Even the Jews who placed their trust in the God of Israel were declared righteous by God because of their faithnot their ability to keep His Law. In Genesis 15:6, we read thatAbram “believed God,” and God credited it to him as righteousness. Romans 4:1-4 reiterates this concept, reminding us that this is the only way anyone has ever been declared righteous by God.

Peter confirmed this truth in Acts 15:7-11. He said that the Jews had never been able to keep God’s Law! He showed that it was unreasonable, unjust, and unkind for the Jewish believers to try to burden the Gentile believers with the Law when they couldn’t keep it themselves!

The Law Still Stands!

But the Law still stands as a principle of holiness. Jesus upgraded the Law of Moses; First by pointing out that all sin begins in the heart. He gave examples, showing that the sin in the heart was just as condemned as the outward expression of the same sin.

Then, He taught that anyone who “loved God with all his heart,” and who “loved his neighbor as himself,” fulfilled the whole Law. (Mark 12:28-34) He confirmed that the Agapé Love encompassed all the Old Law…in principle.

Finally, He gave a new commandment: John 13:34, 35 “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”

Therefore, when Galatians 6:2 commands “…so fulfill the law of Christ,” It specifically refers to the practical outworking of that Agapé Love: reaching out to help another brother or sister.

What About The Law of Sin and Death?

When Romans 8:2 says we are set free from the Law of Sin and Death, it looks back to the only law Adam faced: “…in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die.” (Genesis 2:17)

But ALL of the Mosaic Law connected “sin” to “death:” either YOU died, as a guilty sinner, or, in most cases, it was possible for a blood sacrifice to take your place in death. Ezekiel 18:4 encapsulates this connection, saying “…the soul that sinneth, it shall die.”

So, Romans 8:2 says, “…the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. I am no longer under that law! Why? Because Jesus fulfilled the righteous demands of that Law by His death in my place, at the Cross. His blood met the Law’s demand for a blood sacrifice. And God’s Old Testament Law, the “Mosaic Law,” now sees me as dead: it has nothing more to say to me! (The Law does not talk to dead people!”

The Law is still God’s Word, and it is eternally valuable to convict my stubborn heart and to remind me that I cannot live up to God’s standards in my own strength or ability. Jesus confirmed this in John 15:5,  saying “…Apart from Me ye can do nothing.

Philippians 2:13 also confirms this: “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.” Yes, the Law is still FOR me…but it has never been TO me!

What About the Prophets?

God shows that they are all for us, as a general rule…but not all “to” us.

Daniel heard the prophecy God gave, but he complained that he couldn’t understand it. And God told him (Daniel 12:8-13) “Write it down, close the book, and run along! It isn’t to you, but rather to the people of the end times!” So,God gave some parts that are “not directed to us.” But the whole Bible is “for” us.

Isaiah ministered to Judah alone. But the book of Isaiah directs some messages to specific Gentile nations. Also, he announced a “sign” in Isaiah 7:14 and spelled out the Virgin Birth! And in Isaiah 9:6, 7 we see part of the mystery of the Trinity spelled out for us! (“The Son shall be called the Everlasting Father!” Do I understand that? Nope! I don’t!)

In Micah 5:2, it says the Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem! Furthermore, scholars tell us that there are roughly 300+ other prophecies specifically concerning the life and times of Jesus the Messiah. And all of them had to be fulfilled in that one life: That One Person!

Please do take the time to feed heavily on God’s Word: It’s all Food! If you are hungry, eat! Next week, we will consider all of the New Testament.

Lord Jesus, Open our eyes to the divisions in Your Word that YOU ordained. Help us to be “workmen that need not be ashamed.” Help us to “rightly divide” Your Word, and faithfully to proclaim Your Name to others.

“Who Are the “Unrighteous?” It’s a Divine Identity Question

A Question of Identity: Who Are the “Unrighteous?”

© 2024 C. O. Bishop

1st Corinthians 6:9-11

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.


People often take this passage to prove that “sinners can’t get to heaven,” (thus making salvation dependent upon our works.)

There is no one here who does not confess that he or she is a sinner. In fact, had I not confessed that I am a sinner, unable to save myself, I could not have been saved. I had to place my full trust in Jesus, His Blood, and His completed work at the Cross: not in any works of my own!

So, when we read this stark condemnation, that “the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God,” we have to ask, “Then, who are the unrighteous?” The world would reply that the answer is obvious: “The next sentence lists them by their sins.” And that begs the question, “Well, then: who are the righteous?” And that is the question we truly need to address.

Definition of Biblical Terms

We need to define some central terms, here.

Righteous: “Having a right standing with God.”

Unrighteous:Not having a right standing with God.”

Notice that both of these ideas have a “positional” character: “Where are you with God? What is your standing before Him?” And, what does it take to achieve or receive such a right standing?

In verse 9, the opening statement is that “those who do NOT have a right standing before God” will not “inherit the kingdom of God.” Then Paul goes on to list the general characteristics of the lost, Christless world. He lists things that demonstrate an unregenerate heart: the character of one who has not been “born from above.”

Defined by God: Observed by Behavior and Character

In general, we expect the character of those who have been born from above…born again…to be different from that of the unregenerate world.

But, is this right standing something we “achieve” by strength of character, by “persistence in well-doing,” or through “heroic service” of some sort? Or is it something that we must receive?

An inheritance usually depends upon the written will of someone who died… and no effort by those not included in that will can put them into it so that they can claim that inheritance. Either the Testator wrote them into that “Last Will and Testament,” or He did not.

We may observe that the “worldly heir” of some vast “worldly fortune” may seem to be an undeserving wretch. They may be selfish, spoiled, and vain… and possibly grossly immoral, as well. That does not change the written will that caused them to inherit.

One might protest, “But isn’t that unfair?” Maybe it is! But like it or not, it is reality. We need to embrace reality. We have to accept the fact that life is frequently “unfair.” Sin has ruined the world in which we live. God has not yet lifted the curse. The Psalmists saw this reality and warned us to not fret over the apparent injustice in the world. God’s Justice is supreme, and He sees all of what is happening. As His “born ones,” we need to learn to trust in Him for the eventual outcome. He has “written into His Will,” as His born-again offspring!

Our Past

Paul has cited a list of gross sins. He stated that the people characterized by that list are not God’s heirs. Then he says, “And such were (past tense) some of you!” Your past includes all of your old way of life. Perhaps it did include some of the sins listed here, perhaps it did not. But, if I trust in my own righteousness, then the smallest sin is sufficient to condemn me.

Ezekiel 33:13 says, “When I shall say to the righteous, that he shall surely live; if he trust to his own righteousness, and commit iniquity, all his righteousnesses shall not be remembered; but for his iniquity that he hath committed, he shall die for it.”

My past, whether checkered with sins of every kind, or seemingly pure, in the eyes of humans, is all under the Blood of Jesus Christ at the Cross.

In John 5:24, which we frequently quote, Jesus said, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My Word, and believeth on Him who sent Me, HATH everlasting life (present tense,) and SHALL NOT come into condemnation (future tense,) but IS PASSED from death into life (past perfect tense!) All of my past is under the blood of Jesus. His promise guarantees my future is. And, in the here and now, I already have eternal life! Jesus says so!

So…What Changed?

Just for the record, my past was anything but “pure.” I was an atheist, I was immoral, and I was a total rebel against God. I was on God’s Death Row. Ezekiel 18:4 says, “The soul that sinneth, it shall die!That is where I was. That was my position, as a lost sinner. And I was cocky and proud, and I had no concept of my peril. There was nothing I could have done to save myself. I had already utterly broken God’s Law. I was guilty.

Potentially, I might have tried to do “good deeds” to earn God’s approval. But my sin contaminated them all! That is why, in Isaiah 64:6, it says, “…all our righteousnesses are as filthy rag.” Our ever-present sin has already contaminated anything “good” we can do, as natural humans. So, what had to change?

But Ye Are Washed!

There is the beginning of the change: He washed us! How did that occur? Jesus spoke of it in John 13:10. He said the disciples (not including Judas) were “washed.” But He did not say by what means He had washed them. In John 15:3, after Judas had departed, He told the remaining disciples, “Now ye are clean through the Word which I have spoken unto you.”

And in Ephesians 5:26, Paul said that Jesus cleansed the church. He made it holy through the “washing of water by the Word.” That is both a one-time occurrence and a continuing process. Your initial cleansing occurred the moment you believed the Gospel: the moment you placed your sole trust in the Person and Work of Jesus at the Cross for salvation. You were made positionally clean. At that moment, you became one of His heirs, in writing! (Because it says “Whosoever believeth in Him!”)

Remember that Jesus declared that Peter was clean, in John 13 and John 15. Peter’s sin in denying the Lord occurred later that same night! Did that change Peter’s position? Was he no longer “cleansed by the Word?”

No! It changed his condition. He was miserable and despairing and guilty. He was not in fellowship with Jesus or even with the other disciples. Effectively, until that rift was healed, Peter lived as if he was “spiritually dead.” His position had not changed. He was still clean in Christ. But he desperately “needed his feet washed.” He had been in some deep mud!

If you have chosen by faith to place your trust in the cleansing blood of Jesus, then you “are washed!” That is a permanent reality. What else has changed?

Ye Are Sanctified!

“Sanctified” means “made holy.” It means “set apart” for God’s use, as His personal property.

God says you are now Holy! He has permanently declared that you are his child by rebirth. (Not by “adoption:” Biblical adoption comes later… see Romans 8:23.) He declared you to be clean through having believed His Word. He has now declared to be holy unto Him.

As you may remember, the Babylonian army stole the holy vessels of God’s temple in Jerusalem and took them to Nebuchadnezzar’s treasury in Babylon. But a later king, Belshazzar, took those vessels and used them in a worship service to his numerous false gods.

Did that deliberate misuse by Belshazzar and his officials defile those vessels? Yes, it did! They truly needed cleansing, and re-consecration to the service of God! But were they any less Holy? No! They still belonged to God! They were still “set apart for His specific use, in the temple of God.” God says that you now are His own treasure, and you are “set apart” for His use!

Ye Are Justified!

We posed a question, back in the introduction: “Who are the Righteous?” This is the answer! So, here is another term to define:

“Justified” means “declared righteous.” It is obvious, then, that it truly matters who “declared you to be righteous.” If I declare myself righteous, then we call it “self-justification,” and the only possible result is “self-righteousness.”

No one likes self-righteousness, but we all tend toward self-justification. We protest our excuses for our failures and we bolster our fragile egos, usually, by self-justification. Romans 10:3 says, “For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God,”

Yes, Paul was specifically referring to the Jews in that passage, but it has general application to all those who “justify themselves” at any level. When we self-justify, we fail to avail ourselves of God’s Righteousness.

How Can We Avail Ourselves of the Righteousness Of God?

In 2nd Corinthians 5:21, God says, “He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God, in Him.

In Genesis 15:6, it says Abram believed God and God reckoned it to him as righteousness. (I can hear legalists howling, “But that’s “easy believe-ism!” Sorry: it is God’s Word, telling the means by which GOD declared Abram to be a righteous individual. Like it or not, that is what it says!)

Paul reiterates this concept in Romans 4:1-3. He emphasized that Abraham was declared righteous on the basis of Faith, alone: before any “religious works” were recorded. He cites Psalm 32:1, 2, where David confirmed that the real issue is whether God counts you as righteous.

If God has called you Righteous, based on your faith in Him, then you stand Righteous before Him forever! In Romans 11:29, we read that “the gifts and the calling of God are without repentance”…(without revocation.) He will not “repent,” or change His mind about you. Jesus said, (John 6:37) “He that cometh unto Me, I will in no wise cast out!” In John 10:27, 28, Jesus confirms His promise, saying, “I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish!

Do You Desire to be Declared Righteous by God?

If you have not placed your faith in Jesus Christ as God’s chosen sacrifice for your sins, then this is your path! Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father but by Me.” He also said (in John 10:7), “I am the Door of the Sheep!”

If you “want in,” He is the “way in.” And you “access Him” simply by believing Him: By taking Him at His Word and receiving Eternal Life, as a gift from Him to you. You cannot “achieve” Eternal life! You can only receive it. God says, “The wages (earned and deserved) of Sin is Death, but the gift of God (unearned, and undeserved) is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

As a believer, you have received that gift of eternal life. You are eternally secure in Christ. He has already “declared you Righteous” in Him through Faith. God now calls you to live for Him. He says we no longer belong to ourselves (as if we ever truly did.) He says that, as those risen from the dead through His authority, we should be living in the newness of His Resurrected Life. We are to live as a light to the world around us and as a continual act of worship to Him!

The Resulting Reward

This is the sort of life that results in hearing, “Well done, thou Good and Faithful Servant!” That honor is truly the best any believer can hope for. And, it is something we achieve: it is still done by faith, simply by walking with Him and allowing Him to live through us. But the walk with Jesus is not easy: it is impossible, apart from His continued control: It is not just difficult, it’s impossible! “Walking on Water” is not “difficult:” It is impossible, unless Jesus enables us! And that is what Jesus said! “Apart from Me, ye can do Nothing!”

No one had to “explain” to Peter that “walking on water is impossible!” He knew it, and he got out of the boat, knowing that unless Jesus backed him, it was a fatal error! But…he walked! And when he took his eyes off of Jesus, he sank! That is as clear a lesson as we can ask for! You are declared righteous by Faith. But you are also called to walk in Him by faith.

Lord Jesus, teach our hearts to believe in You and to focus on You so that we can faithfully walk with You, in all circumstances. We know hard times are coming, and we want to honor You with our lives through those hard times; not to fail through lack of faith. Make us the Men and Women of God that You have called us to be.

Judgment, Justice, Grace, and Mercy in the Resurrection

Judgment, Justice, Grace, and Mercy

© 2019 C. O. Bishop (Revised 2024)


How does Easter show the Judgment and Justice of God?

We frequently consider what the Bible calls the Day of the LORD: It is the terrible Judgment of God (followed by great blessing) which is to be poured out upon the whole World, but especially upon Israel, since they had the most information, and they failed to respond. We saw how the final warning was given to Israel by Jesus, in His “Palm Sunday” entrance into Jerusalem.

Judgment on Jerusalem

The crowd of disciples who had worshipped him as the King, as he rode into Jerusalem, were not the ones screaming for his death, three days later. Rather, the citizens of Jerusalem rejected their King. We also saw that, since they rejected the King, they inherited the promised Judgment.

The Judgment described thereafter (specifically the fact that not one stone of the temple, proper, would be left standing on another) definitely includes the destruction under the Roman general Titus, in AD 70, but it also includes the Great Tribulation, which has not happened yet. Judgment is definitely coming!

Judgment on Jesus

However, we seldom think of the Judgment that fell upon the Lord Himself that Wednesday: Isaiah 53:4, 5 says, “He bore our griefs, and carried our sorrows…but we thought he was smitten by God (as an evildoer). But (in contrast): He was wounded for our transgressions, and He was bruised for our iniquities…”  The Scriptures make it clear that He didn’t die for anything He had done. He died in the place of the whole World, for all that we have done, or failed to do.

Most Easter sermons focus either on the Lord’s sufferings, in gory detail, or upon the facts of the Resurrection, and the effects it had on the lives of all those who were actually there. I would like to focus, instead, on the reason for His suffering, and the result of His resurrection, for us, who were not there!

The Specific Reasons for The Crucifixion

There were many ways in which prisoners might have been executed in those days. Some were relatively quick, others were deliberately slow and agonizing. The Cross was one of the latter: it usually took several days of torturous struggling to breathe and straining against the spikes holding them to the cross. We can compare crucifixion with the Old Testament law regarding “hanging a criminal on a tree,” which was actually only done to a criminal who was already dead (usually by stoning,) to signify God’s curse on that particular criminal:

The Scriptures had to be Fulfilled

  • According to Deuteronomy 21:23 they were not to be left hanging overnight. They had to be cut down before sundown, according to the Mosaic Law.
    • Jesus was taken down before sundown, though Crucifixion usually took days!
  • When they wanted the execution shortened, they accomplished that end by breaking the legs of the condemned individual, so that he could no longer lift himself to breathe. Thus, he died in minutes, instead of days. (John 19:31)
    • But for the Passover Lamb, which was a picture of Christ, it was specifically forbidden that any bone be broken (Exodus 12:46.)
    • Why did Jesus choose to “cut the suffering short” and “lay down his life?” (Remember, in John 10:18, He specifically said that no man could take his life: He would lay it down of His own accord.) When they came to break the legs of the criminals, he was already dead. Thus, though they broke the legs of the other two men, they did not break a bone of the Messiah…our Passover Lamb!
  • The scourgings and beatings were described in Isaiah 53 (bruised, stripes, etc.)
  • The crucifixion was described in Psalm 22:7-18 (Read it!)
  • The fact that he was to be crucified at Jerusalem, by the Jews, is given in Zechariah 13:6 What are these wounds in thine hands? …Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.”
  • The fact that it is the eternal God who was wounded for our transgressions is given in Zechariah 12:1-10…and it was God the Son!
  • The Old Testament sacrifices were tied to the altar by the four horns of the altar… they were held by four points, just as in the crucifixion.
  • The Original Passover predicted the crucifixion, in that the people were commanded to kill the lamb, catch its blood in a basin, and to dip a bundle of Hyssop into that blood, and then strike it on the lintel and the two doorposts. The physical action of striking the lintel and the two doorposts physically described a bloody cross in the air across that doorway. Those frightened Jews believed God’s Word regarding the imminent destruction of the firstborn. They obeyed the command of God by faith, and chose to accept the blood sacrifice that HE would accept. And, as a result, they were huddled under the blood of the Cross, just as we do today. The difference is that they expressed that faith 1500 years before the Crucifixion, while we do so 2000 years after it.

He Fulfilled the Prophecies!

God’s Judgment for the sins of the whole world fell upon Jesus at the Cross. How do I know? Jesus said so! John 3:16-18 says,

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

Notice the parallel with what we just saw, regarding Palm Sunday: Jerusalem rejected her King, and inherited the Judgment. All those who do not believe the Gospel, inherit judgment because they, too, reject the Savior, the King. Also, notice that it does not say they “will be judged,” or “will be condemned:” it says that they are already condemned because they do not believe in the Name of the only begotten Son of God.

So: How does that apply to me? For the first eighteen years of my life, I was on God’s “death row,” as an unbeliever; and as a natural-born rebel against God. I was already condemned. Had Jesus not stepped in and died in my place, I would still be headed for Hell. (That is the “Bad News” of the Gospel! And it is the reason for the “Good News” of the Gospel!)

So, What is The Good News of the Gospel?

According to 1st Corinthians 15:3, 4, the Good News is divided into three parts:

  • The Death of Christ, fulfilling God’s Prophecies
  • The Burial of Christ, also fulfilling His Prophecies (including the time-lapse.)
  • And, the third-day Resurrection: God’s confirmation that the sacrifice was accepted!

Why is His Death Good News?

1st John 2:2 clearly states that Jesus is the satisfactory sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. “And He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.”  (“Propitiation” means the sacrifice that satisfies the Justice and Righteousness of God.) The fact that it was for the sins of the whole world is especially reassuring: if God had named a list of people, ethnic groups, or whatever, there is a chance I might not be on that list. If I were called by name, it is still possible that it meant someone else with that name…not me.

But he included the whole world…so I am “on the list.” John 3:16 says “…whosoever believeth in Him…” You see, “whosoever” includes me!ThatBlood Sacrifice, ordained by God the Father, offered by God the Son, and administered by God the Holy Spirit, is full payment for all my sins, past, present and future. All the work of Salvation and Redemption was finished by Jesus at the Cross. All that’s left for me to do, is to place my faith in His finished Work.

Why is His Burial Good News?

The fact that Jesus died on the evening of Passover, as our blood sacrifice—our Passover Lamb—is significant enough. But why do I say he was crucified on Wednesday, when tradition has always held out for Friday? The tradition that Jesus was crucified on a Friday is patently false.

In Matthew 12:39, 40 Jesus Himself said that Jonah, being three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, was a specific prophecy that He, Himself, would be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Between Friday evening and Sunday morning, there are two nights and one day! But, if He was Crucified on a Wednesday, then any time after sundown Saturday, by Jewish understanding of time and days, Jesus was free to leave the Grave. This was another sign that He was the Messiah! It had to be that specific time frame.

He also had to have died with criminals, (as in the crucifixion, with thieves beside Him) but also with the rich (Isaiah 53:9)…which would usually be a total paradox. The bodies of criminals were cast into the city dump, and left for the scavengers, vultures, flies, etc., as a statement of the result of their evil deeds.

But rich people had hand-carved stone tombs for their graves. So, this seemed a contradiction, perhaps, or at least very puzzling. But, two rich men (Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea,) asked for the body of Christ, and they buried it in the tomb that Joseph of Arimathea had prepared for his own burial. So, Isaiah 53:9 was fulfilled, just as it was written!

And, The Best News of All: The Resurrection!

So, three days and three nights later (Wednesday night, Thursday, Thursday night, Friday, Friday night, and Saturday: three days and three nights!) Jesus left the grave behind, forever! Mary Magdalene and the other women showed up at the tomb long before daylight, Sunday morning, and He was already gone. The angels had rolled away the stone for the express purpose of letting the women and the disciples see that He was already gone.

What is The Result of the Resurrection?

Remember the result of the Crucifixion: The disciples (all of them, not just the eleven), were scattered, just as Jesus predicted, fearing that they were “next on the list;” slated for execution. When Jesus appeared, the Eleven were hiding; locked in an upper room, fearing the Jews.

But what was the result of the Resurrection, in the lives of those same believers? Confusion and disbelief, initially! But, as they gained confidence that Jesus was really alive, and that He was really all He had claimed to be (literally God in the Flesh,) they became completely bold, where they had previously been in hiding. They committed their lives to His service, as those alive from the dead, as they began to recognize that:

  1. His death was in place of their own deaths;
  2. And, His righteousness had been credited to their own accounts, and that
  3. His resurrection was the guarantee of their own resurrection.

Thus, they had no further fear of death. Their life took on a sense of Eternal Purpose, as they began to allow the Lord to live through them (Galatians 2:19-21; Philippians 1:21,) and their priorities were completely rearranged, as Jesus became the center of their existence.

But, What about Repentance?

We are often told, “Yes, but you have to repent!” That is surely true! But what does that mean? Does it mean “groveling on your knees begging for forgiveness”? Or, “renouncing sin forever?”

The word translated as “Repentance” is the Greek word, “metanoia.” It literally means to change your mind. Change your mind regarding Jesus. Who was He, to you, before you believed the Gospel? A myth? Just a Man? A Prophet? Or, did it even really matter to you? (It didn’t matter to me: I was lost, and I didn’t know it, or even care.) So, when you believed the Good News of Jesus’s Death, and Burial and Resurrection, you “changed your mind” regarding all that you had previously thought about Jesus.

You also “changed your mind” regarding all that you previously thought about sin. Somehow, you came to realize that you, personally, were a lost sinner, and you feared the judgment of God. You changed your mind regarding Jesus’s work, realizing that you could not save yourself, and, at some point, you threw yourself upon the Mercy and Grace of God!

The Result of that Repentance

At that moment, according to Jesus’s promise, in John 5:24, you received eternal life. (That is Grace!) You will never face judgment again. (That is Mercy!) You permanently crossed over from being spiritually dead, to being spiritually alive. Yes, you were truly born again! You received a new nature, and you were permanently indwelt by the Holy Spirit! All these are true, even if you were not aware of any of these things, as they happened!

This is why the Resurrection is such a huge joy and relief to all of us. We weren’t there to see the Crucifixion, the Burial, or the Resurrection of the Lord, but those three together still make the best News in history! He is Risen! And we have been forgiven and set free, through Faith!

Lord Jesus, teach us the importance of the facts of the Gospel, especially the fact of Your Resurrection, and make them a living reality in each of our lives.

How To Understand the Coming Judgment

The Coming Judgment

© 2023 C. O, Bishop (Revised 2024)

2nd Thessalonians 1:4-12

So that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye endure: Which is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer: Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you; And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,

In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power; 10 When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day.

11 Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power: 12 That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.


We have talked about Judgment as a general Principle, but we only briefly touched upon the Coming Judgment. Some time ago, we studied this passage in 2nd Thessalonians. I’d like to review it so that we can see the broader sense of Judgment, from God: not just between humans.

(Notice that it says in verses six and seven that God will “recompense tribulation to them that trouble you,” and (in contrast,) to you who are troubled, rest, with us.”The believers will receive rest from the harsh realities of living among hostile nations. Those who were their antagonists will face judgment.

There are Five Judgments we should address:

  1. The General Judgment (condemnation) of the World. (John 3:18, 19; Romans 1:18, etc.)
  2. The Judgment of Sin at the Cross. (Colossians 2:14; 1st John 2:2)
  3. The Judgment Seat of Christ (believers) (2nd Corinthians 5:10; 1st Corinthians 3:10-16)
  4. The Judgment of Living Nations (believers and unbelievers Matthew 25:31-46)
  5. The Great White Throne Judgment (unrighteous dead only) (Revelation 20:11-15)

This list is not exhaustive…looking back in time, we can see many judgments. It is important for us to remember that Jesus is always the Judge. He is not “just the Savior:” He is also the Judge. He gave His life to prevent our destruction in the Judgment which His Righteousness requires Him to bring upon the World. But the five I have listed are the judgments we can see ahead of us and which we might be worried about.

Please bear in mind the two promises of God:

  • John 5:24, which says believers will not come into condemnation, and
  • Romans 8:1, 2, which says we have been set free from the Law of Sin and Death, and that “there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.” (these are positional truths. We are “In Christ.” That is our position!

Which of these Five Judgments Affect Believers?

The General Condemnation

Clearly, the General Condemnation of the Human Race once affected every one of us, directly. We all were lost sinners, regardless of our individual qualities or actions. But that is why Jesus went to the Cross! He freed us from that condemnation. It still affects us indirectly, as all the troubles, evil, sickness, suffering, and pain in the world still exist because of the curse that fell in Genesis 3, …and which still has not been lifted. We all die!

The Judgment of Sin at the Cross

Jesus lifted the Judgment of the Curse, by bearing the Judgment of the Cross! Colossians 2:14Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross.His blood paid the sin-debt for all humans, past, present, and future. 1st John 2:2 spells it out: “And He is the propitiation for our sins: and not for our sins only, but also for the sins of the whole World.”

But the General Condemnation remains for those who reject His sacrifice. (John 3:18 says they are condemned already, because they “have not believed in the only begotten Son of God.”) All that is required of them to escape that Judgment is to choose the Judgment of the Cross, where Jesus bore the judgment of our sins. And the consequence of sin still remains for the whole creation. (See Romans 8:21, 22)

The Judgment Seat of Christ (the “Bema Seat”)

All believers face the Judgment Seat of Christ. (2nd Corinthians 5:10) But this judgment is concerning the works of believers. It is an “awards ceremony.” We can read some details about it in 1st Corinthians 3:10-16. Our works will be evaluated for their lasting, eternal value. Reward for service will be awarded on the basis of that Judgment. And it is for believers only.

When workers “line up for their pay” in a large factory, or in a military organization, perhaps, they have to already be an employee, or already a member of the armed forces. Working without having been an employee does not bring reward: rather, it brings punishment for trespassing, or for impersonating a member of the military. People claiming to be believers who are not are in serious trouble! Until they choose by personal faith, to place themselves under His Blood, for salvation, they are still under His condemnation.

But, a believer’s works can lack eternal value, too. In John 15:5, Jesus said, “Apart from Me ye can do nothing.” So, if we are not walking with Him, and are not working with Him, then our works may “look good,” outwardly, but their value is questionable.

The Judgment of the Living Nations

Matthew 25:31-46 gives us the most details about this judgment. It includes the survivors of the tribulation, both believers and unbelievers. They are all in their natural bodies and all are facing judgment. They will either enter the Millennial Kingdom alive, right then, or enter eternal punishment as enemies of God…right then!

There are numerous mentions of this “division of the people by the omniscient Judge,” but this passage allows us to see when it will happen (at the end of the Tribulation, immediately after Jesus’s physical return to earth. Compare Revelation 19.) It tells us where it will occur: on planet Earth…and, very likely at Jerusalem, as it says, “He shall sit upon the throne of His Glory.” He will be reigning from Jerusalem, so the Judgment will likely take place there.

This Judgment, as usual, will be based upon faith or the lack thereof; but, in this case, that faith will have been evidenced by how the people treated the Jews. The Tribulation saints, people who believed in Jesus as their Savior, will have expressed that faith by caring for His people. People who do not believe will not care for His people. The determining factor is always faith.

The Great White Throne Judgment

Remember that the Judge, in all the cases we have listed, is Jesus Christ. John 5:22 says He is the only Judge. Jesus said, “The Father judgeth no man, but has committed all judgment unto the Son.” (That means the “Judge of all the Earth” in Genesis 18:25, with Whom Abraham spoke face-to-face, was also Jesus!) So, the One sitting on the Throne, in Revelation 20:11, is Jesus, in His full Glory.

It is interesting to see that in Genesis 3:8 in the Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve heard “the voice of the LORD God walking in the Garden in the cool of the day,” they fled at the sound of His voice, and they hid. (That was Jesus, too! God the Son is the Member of the Trinity who always shows up to walk and talk with humans.)

So, now, at the very end of time, Jesus shows up on the Great White Throne as the Eternal Judge. And all the progeny of Adam and Eve respond the same way they did! It says, “Heaven and Earth fled from before His face.”

And that is when the Judgment of 2nd Peter 3:10 will also occur: “The heavens and earth shall pass away with a fervent heat and a great noise.” (Revelation 21:1confirms this connection.)

What About the Church?

So where will the church-age believers be, during that judgment? We will be with Him on that throne! According to Ephesians 2:6, we are already there. And Jesus promised, saying “…that where I am, there ye may be also.” (John 14:3)

Will we be “happy” to be at that judgment? No! It will be a terrible tragedy, worse than any tragedy in human history! But we will absolutely know and agree that God the Son is doing right, by making that judgment. And it is after that judgment that He says, “He will wipe away all tears from their eyes.” (Revelation 21:4 “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”

You see, that will be the final Judgment and the end of all death, sorrow, crying, and pain.

Psalm 30:5 says, “…weeping may endure for a night, but Joy cometh in the Morning!” Jesus is called the Morning Star, and His Day is eternal. That is the “Morning” we all long to see!

Why are Believers Excluded from these final Judgments?

(2nd Thessalonians 1:10)

“…because our testimony among you was believed…”

We are saved by Grace, through Faith, plus Nothing! The Thessalonian believers were saved sinners, just like us. But Paul said that the Lord will be worshipped and admired by all those who believe in Him, and then he specifically reminds them of how they became believers. Paul and Silas had brought the message of Salvation to Thessalonica, in Acts 17. Those who became believers did so because they believed the testimony of Paul and Silas. They believed the Gospel!

The long-term effect of believers’ faith is the eternal worship of Christ, as our Redeemer. And, when He returns, believers who are still in their natural bodies (those in Matthew 25:31-46) will, for the first time, be seeing Jesus in His full glory!

What Should be the Result of all this “Positional Truth?”

All of the things we have talked about so far, (except the results of the Judgment Seat of Christ) have been positional Truths. They are true because we are “In Christ.” That is our location: our position. But positional truths should result in conditional changes!


11 Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power: 12 That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Paul says that he was praying for the believers that their lives would be pleasing to God so that He would agree that they lived up to their calling: That they were acting in a manner worthy of their family connection to Him.

The Result

And the result in their lives was that God would fulfil the Good Pleasure of His Goodness in them, and that His Grace would be manifested in their lives and that others would Glorify God because of what they could see happening in the lives of those believers. They would see the power of God working in the lives of the believers and the work of faith being done by the believers.

This is why we take seriously His commands that we are to love one another and to work together to glorify Him. We avoid criticizing one another for things that God does not call “sin,” and we collectively avoid doing or saying things that dishonor the Lord.

It requires that we “use good judgment” as we discussed last week, and avoid “bad judgment.”

And the result? “That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you and you in Him”…all according to the Grace of the Father and the Son. We are not to fear condemnation from God, but it is healthy to fear displeasing Him because it means we are missing out on our only opportunity to serve with Him.

We want to reflect His glory, and not shroud it with our own folly and sin. He has called us to shine in this sin-dark world, as we reflect His light.

Lord Jesus, we desire to see you as our Savior and our Lord; We know we will stand before you at the Judgment seat to receive reward, and we desire to be worthy of that reward. Teach us to consistently walk with you, and let our daily behavior have eternal worth.

Salvation or Rewards: A Gift or Wages?

Salvation or Rewards: A Gift or Wages?

© 2024 by C. O. Bishop

1st Corinthians 3:9-15

For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry (a cultivated field), ye are God’s building (In other places this building is called the “Temple” or “habitation” of God).

10 According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.

11 For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

12 Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble;

13 Every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is.

14 If any man’s work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward.

15 If any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.


We have seen the difference between the ministry of Paul and the ministry of Apollos. Paul said, “I planted, and Apollos watered. But God gave the increase.” Paul goes on to use a slightly different metaphor. Remember that he used two ideas in verse nine. He likened us first to a cultivated field, and then to a building.

So, as appropriate to the first metaphor, he said that he (Paul) had planted, and Apollos had watered. But then he moves on to the second metaphor…the building…an edifice of some kind. And in verse ten, he says, “I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon.”

Consider the Cultivated Field

When a farmer plants a field with seed, he doesn’t step back and say, “There is a fruitful field!” He waits and watches to see the germination take place and the leafing-out of whatever the young plants are. Finally, he is grateful to see the field bearing the fruit he hoped for.

What About a Building?

Consider how a General Contractor, specializing in concrete work, begins a project. He completes the excavation for the building site. Thinking ahead, he makes allowances for the wiring and plumbing that must also happen. He will lay down the necessary loads of crushed rock, onto which the concrete foundation will be poured. The contractor erects the plywood forms, into which he will pour the concrete. Ultimately, he will pour the concrete, making certain to leave no air-voids.

Finally, after the concrete is sufficiently cured, he will strip the forms from the newly cured concrete. Then he may hand-trowel a layer of finishing mortar onto the portions that may remain exposed. He may also apply various additives or sealants to enhance the longevity or looks of that foundation.

The Foundation is Complete and Permanent!

But at some point, he can say, “I have laid the foundation!” And, as a general contractor, he would then turn the work over to the other builders who will complete the structure in the prescribed manner, according to the plan of the Architect.

This is the metaphor Paul introduces in this passage: And the whole context teaches the result of the efforts of the subsequent builders.

Our question, then, becomes, “What am I accomplishing as I build upon the foundation which has been laid in my life?”

The Foundation

He says, “As a wise master-builder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon.

In the case of the “cultivated field,” once the farmer had planted the seed, others completed the remaining cultivation. Those who watered that field did the rest, and God brought the increase. But, in the case of the building, once the foundation has been laid, the rest of the building is for someone else to accomplish.

In any physical building, if the foundation is of questionable quality, then the subsequent building is unsecure, regardless of the craftsmanship of the builders. If the ground under the “foundation” is unstable, then even the foundation is unsecure.

But, in this case, Paul identifies the Foundation: He explains in verse 13 that the foundation is Jesus Christ. (In other passages, we find that He is also the Monolithic Bedrock under the “foundation” in our lives.) Everything that has become “possible” in our lives, as new believers is only possible because of the absolute security of that foundation. Jesus said, “Upon this Rock I will build My Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.” (And He was not referring to Peter!) Jesus is the Rock of our Salvation, and He is the Foundation of the Work God plans to accomplish in our lives.

The Gift

Think clearly about this: You did not lay the foundation! Someone else came to you with the Gospel of Christ and eventually, one way or another, you chose to believe it. God, through the agency of  that other person, laid the Foundation of Christ in your life at that moment. Paul brought Christ to Corinth, and, in doing so, he laid the foundation there in Corinth. They did not do it for themselves. It was the gift of God.

The Foundation was a gift! Salvation is a gift! What you do with that gift after having received it, is another matter. Paul warns that the character of  resulting overall construction is up to you to decide, moment-by-moment and day-by-day.

The Warning: “Let Every Man Take Heed!”

Paul said, “But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.”

“Take Heed!” (Pay attention!) Listen up! There is a caveat, here! A warning: Salvation is a gift! But rewards are not! This matter can easily confused us. Some teach that salvation is the reward for good behavior. That is absolutely false! You cannot earn salvation. You can receive it as the gift of God, precious beyond price and beyond imagination, or you cannot receive it at all.

Example one

I visited in the home of a man in Mexico, many years ago. He was a coppersmith…a very good one. He had personally hand-forged a beautiful copper pan for my wife as a gift. I do not speak even semi-fluent Spanish. However, during that evening I had shared the Gospel with this man. He rejected it, saying, it is too easy: “I have to earn it!” I thought for a moment, then felt in my pocket as if for money, and said, “So, how much do you want for that copper “casserole” you made for Ann?”

He instantly was furious: “No! That was a gift!

“That’s right, “I replied. “You are angry because I offered to pay for the gift you made for Ann, aren’t you?” He was still angry, so he blurted “YES!”

So I asked, “How much more angry do you think God may be, that you are offering to pay for the blood of His only Son?” His countenance changed, and his eyes went round, as he realized what he quite literally had been doing. I never saw him again, but I know that, at that moment, he understood the Gospel for the first time. What he ultimately chose to do about it, I don’t know. But I hope to see him in eternity.

Salvation is a Gift!

We have received a gift, each of us who has placed our trust in Christ. We have eternal life.

Example two

On another occasion, later, not knowing that the young lady to whom I was speaking was not a believer, I was only trying to teach her about her security in Christ. Eventually, I offered her a dime, saying, “Here: take this!”

She took it, and I asked, “Now, whose dime is that?”

She replied, “It’s mine, now!”

So, I asked, “But what did you do to get it?”

And she (bless her heart) said, “Nothing! I just reached out and took it!”  

And then she started crying! I was thoroughly confused, since I really didn’t understand what was happening. So, I finally prayed with her, and she gave me a ferocious hug, and then she and her husband drove away. That was January 9th, 1994.

Two weeks later, she explained to me that she was born again that day, as she simply believed God and received the GIFT of eternal life in Christ. GOD laid the foundation, that day, even though I did not at all understand what was going on!

And it was a gift!

But, Rewards are NOT Gifts!

The warning here is that we can receive rewards…or NOT, depending on how we respond to the Lord after receiving that gift.

I have frequently heard people say of someone who recently died that “He has gone to his reward!” And, in most cases, they were not even saying the person was a believer…only that they were dead! As an unbeliever, had I died before I was eighteen, my “reward” or “wages” would have been eternity in Hell! Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of Sin is Death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord!”

But, here in 1st Corinthians 3:9-15, Paul tells us that a reward is possible! And he says that the reward is commensurate with the work done, as we have either “worked with Jesus” or we have rebelled and “worked on our own…” choosing our own ideas of “how to please God,” as opposed to what His Word says.

The Building Materials

Paul continues his metaphor in verse 12, now likening the product of our lives, the “building” we are producing, as being of “different grades of building materials.” 

He chose two categories of materials: the first group, “Gold, Silver, Precious stones,” when considered as building materials, were completely outside the reach of anyone but the wealthiest of individuals. The second group were materials that even the poorest people could probably acquire, though there was still some expense, most likely, and a good deal of work as well.

It is not just about the cost of the Materials

One group implies “intrinsic value,” while the other does not! However, in verse 13, Paul tells us a far more important difference between the two groups: one is combustible, and one is not!

He says the final test of our works will not be so much upon how much work we did to accomplish it, how “important” it seemed, nor how “skilled” we are, but upon the intrinsic value of the materials and their permanence. He says that our work will be tested by fire.

So, where would a person get the “Gold, and Silver, and Precious Stones” that Paul mentions, here? Think forward a bit: In 2nd Peter 3:10, God also says that in the day of the final judgment, “the elements will pass away with a fervent heat and a great noise!” (Yes… but, “Gold and Silver and Precious Stones” are “elements,” too, aren’t they? Won’t they just be burned up?)

Materials From God are Eternal

Therefore, we are not talking about literal, physical wealth here, which none of those believers had, anyway. (Including the Apostles: Remember, it was Peter (and John) who said, addressing the lame man, “Silver and Gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee: In the Name of Jesus of Nazareth, rise up and walk!”)

The building materials God wants us to use, have to come from Him! That is why Jesus said, in John 15:5, “Apart from Me ye can do nothing!” The work has to be the direct result of our “pulling in double harness” with Jesus! That is why verse 9 says, “We are laborers together with God!”

The Result: Reward or Loss

Finally, in verses 14, and 15, Paul says that the result of the testing for permanence and value will be either that our work simply burns up like a barn with a haymow fire, or that it still remains, and a reward will be given. He points out that the foundation is permanent: He says that if any believer’s work burns up, the believer himself will still be saved, but “as one escaping through the flames.”

Was there a Reward for Lot?

Abraham’s nephew, Lot comes to mind as a prime example: He had already received great riches as a result of his travels with Uncle Abraham. But he squandered that fine start by moving into the City of Sodom. Ultimately, when God destroyed Sodom, Lot and his immediate family were saved, but they lost everything: The angels dragged them out of town, and whatever they dragged with them was all they had left. If it were not for the fact that, in 2nd Peter 2:6-8, God specifically names Lot as being a righteous man, I would never have guessed he was a saved man! And that helps secure my faith that He will save me, too! He laid the foundation!

But the reward is another matter! Lot came out of the City of Sodom with essentially nothing but his life! His salvation was a gift! But, there was no reward for his behavior!

Will there Be a Reward for Us?

Paul tells us that we have a choice: we can learn to “pull with Jesus in double harness,” being “laborers together with God,” thereby receiving from Him (and building with) the materials that have eternal intrinsic value, and eternal substance that will outlast this life…or not.

Let’s pursue the goal of learning to walk with Jesus, as His flock: learning to work with Jesus as His partners in the Work of God. The result, whether we follow or not, will have eternal results, for better or for worse.

Lord Jesus, please teach us to walk with You and to serve as your agents here in the fallen world in which we live. We know that we are Your ambassadors, but we want to be faithful at that work, serving with You looking for eternal results.