Pastor Pat James
What do you normally do on Sunday? When our Lord gathers His church together on Sunday morning are you there or are you enjoying your favorite hobby, doing chores or just relaxing with the Sunday paper? What is it that is so important that it prevents you from taking part in public worship?
Matthew 12:8 teaches that Jesus is “the Lord of the Sabbath”. Do you claim Him as your Savior and Lord while refusing to honor the day of His resurrection?
Jesus has promised to be with us when we assemble for public worship. It is sad that so many are not faithful to meet Him there! True saving faith in Christ is evidenced when we place our relationship with Him above all things, when He occupies the place of highest priority in our lives. That would certainly include assembling together with other believers for worship and instruction. That would also include taking an active and supportive role in our church.
Idolatry means loving something or someone more than God. Throughout both the Old and New Testaments we are repeatedly warned against that. Yet each Sunday morning many professing Christians clearly demonstrate that their love for recreation, comfort and entertainment is greater than their love for God!
In the Living Bible Hebrews 10:25 says, “Let us not neglect our church meetings, as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day of his coming back again is drawing near.”
This Sunday when the Lord gathers His family together for worship, will you be there?
Pastor Pat James is the pastor emeritus of True Hope Christian Fellowship Church
2516 18th. Ave, Forest Grove, OR Telephone 503-357-8534