True Hope Christian Fellowship from the Beginning

Welcome to “True Hope Christian Fellowship; the perfect church for those who aren’t!”

Audio files of recent Sunday Sermons available at

All Sermon Notes, as WordPress pages, posted HERE.

Audio files of Prophecy Series Bible Study, available at: Bible Study Series

More than 25 years ago, Pastor Pat James saw a hidden need in our culture. Specifically, he saw that there were always folks who found it difficult to “fit in” within the structure of the mainline church. Particularly, he saw that not everyone fits into what has become the “Christian  Image” in the Western world.  We see that “image” as largely a product of our western culture anyway.  Christians in other parts of the world are not even familiar with it.  Many of the “trappings” of Western Christianity are not part of the Bible, and have been established by tradition. Obviously, many are good. And, perhaps, some are simply a matter of taste. But, unfortunately, some have been “not so good.”

True Hope Christian Fellowship was established to try and step outside the “Christian Norm” of our culture. We remember that when Jesus was reaching out to the world, it wasn’t the “socially elite” who came to him, but the “rest of the people,” who desired to know Him. In fact, the Pharisees, whom the World saw as “the elite,”  resisted Him most strongly! They were His enemies!

We desire to continue the outreach of Christ. He is calling sinners to repentance. He says that God will lift up the humble. God calls to the Proud to “humble thyself under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.”

Jesus said, “Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” We would like to continue to extend that invitation: “whosoever will…” may come.

We have no hidden agendas. If you have specific questions, you can try the search function, or give us a call.

We do take up an offering each Sunday, but we are not asking visitors to give. The church members shoulder all of the responsibilities and expenses of the church . Visitors are our guests: we do not ask you to contribute.