The Seven-fold Unity of the Spirit
© 2014 C. O. Bishop THCF 1/26/2014
Ephesians 4:3-6 (Read it)
I don’t know what your inward thoughts may be, but, in my flesh,I know I feel perfectly free to mentally dismiss another person, just because I disapprove of something in their life. We used to say, “I don’t like the way he parts his hair,” when we really meant, “I have taken an unreasoning dislike to that person.”
Many of us think we have “personal freedom” to like or dislike people on a whim. We may exclude someone from our personal sphere of fellowship because of some small difference of opinion. The problem with this behavior is that God says we do not have that right!
Last time we spoke, we saw that Ephesians 4:3 says , “endeavor to maintain the Unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” It is a command: Though it is stated as a plea, that is a command. In order to obey a command, one must at least understand what it says. So; what in the world is the “Unity of the Spirit?” And how do we “endeavor to maintain” it?
The Seven-Fold Unity of the Spirit
God centers our real, God-established unity around seven things:
- One Body
- One Spirit
- One Hope of our Calling
- One Lord
- One Faith
- One Baptism
- One God and Father
If all of those unities are in place, we are not to break fellowship. If someone is deliberately teaching contrary to those, then they are heretical, that is, “causing division,” and must be avoided.
Not “Human-Sourced”
None of those seven are “humanly established”—they are simply facts, established by God. Based on those seven unities, which, together, comprise the Unity of the Spirit, we are to function in unity as well. We are not to have discord among us. Proverbs 6:16-19 gives us a pretty good idea about how God feels about disunity: “These six things doth the LORD hate, yea, seven are an abomination unto him…” Sowing discord among brethren is one of ‘em, folks. So let’s take a closer look at the Unity of the Spirit, with a view as to how we are to maintain it.
Why “Seven?”
First, it seems appropriate to point out what may be obvious to many…the unity is Seven-fold. Many times, in scripture, God uses the number “seven,” to convey a sense of “completeness.” For instance, the judgments in the book of The Revelation include seven “seals,” within the seventh of which are seven blasts of angelic trumpets—the seventh of which is commonly referred to as the “Last Trumpet,” or the “Trumpet of Doom.” Within that seventh trumpet are seven bowls or vials. This is the completion of Man’s reign on earth. “Three” is often seen as the number of humanity…and “seven,” the number of completion. Hence three sevens, nested within one another.
Jesus lists seven churches in Revelation chapters 2-3, summing up either the possible attributes of all local churches, or spanning the complete history of the Church age…or both, depending on how one sees it.
But here we have the Unity of the Spirit, given by God as a completed entity; “no assembly required, no batteries needed.” All we are told to do is maintain it. So…how do we do that? By not breaking it unnecessarily. Church splits and fractured unity are so common, today, that the world sees us as a laughingstock.
They talk about “believing Baptists”…meaning, “if we don’t fully agree, we’ll ‘be leaving!’” Believers hop from church to church, finding something in every assembly to justify their leaving, frequently in a self-righteous huff.
But, God says “maintain the Unity of the Spirit”…endeavor to do so—work at it! That is what “endeavor” means…it isn’t simply that we should half-heartedly “try.” (“Well, we did our best, but you can’t be friends with everybody…”) God says, “Work at it. Endeavor to keep it.”
There is Only One Body of Christ.
We talk of the various denominations as being different churches, and, in a sense, they are. But the only acceptable division is to be geographical, and demographic, in the sense of language, culture, etc. It is never to be a division regarding some obscure doctrine, or “which teacher a particular assembly likes to follow.” Look at 1st Corinthians 1:11-13: Paul notes that specific reason for divisions and he utterly condemns it. He points out that neither he nor Apollos were anything important…and, more importantly, that Christ is not divided. Nor is the Body of Christ to be divided.
There were numerous house-churches in larger cities, but, in general, it seems, there were only geographical differences; the church at Ephesus—the Churches of Galatia, etc. It was not the “First Baptist Church of West New Orleans” or some such thing. At most, it might be the “Church that meets at Chloe’s house.” Again, geography was the only barrier.
Could language be a barrier? Certainly, it could be. It is tough to fellowship freely with someone whose language is completely foreign to you. But remember: all members of the Body of Christ speak Agapé as their native language. I have had good (but limited) fellowship with believers of other languages. The Love and acceptance were there…we just couldn’t talk about it much.
There is Only One Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is God. There is only one of Him, and he indwells every single real believer, individually. He does not need us to tell them how to live. He tells them in His Word, and He tells them by his guidance of their new nature. Does he send believers to correct other believers? Surely He does! But we frequently specialize in “correcting” areas concerning which the Holy Scriptures are utterly silent…and we often ignore things about which it is clear. And when we do attempt to “correct” someone, too often we are not in tune with the Holy Spirit, because the correction is not born of Love, but of condemnation and pride.
The same Spirit indwells us all and makes us one in Christ. Bear that in mind, regarding people with whom you have “personality conflicts.” (God has a shorter word for this: He calls it “Sin.”)
The Holy Spirit never leads contrary to the Written Word of God. Remember this, when someone (maybe you) claims that “The Holy Spirit is leading them to” do such and such. If it is clearly contrary to sound doctrine, then it is not the Holy Spirit doing the leading. There is only One Holy Spirit, and He never creates division, except to demand that believers follow the Word of God…you see, not all of them want to do so. We are to endeavor to maintain His unity.
There is Only One Hope of our Calling.
Did you think there is a different heaven for other churches, maybe? All real believers are headed for the same real place, facing the same real God, standing before the same real Judgment Seat of Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:10, 11) Do you want to stand next to someone at that Judgment Seat, and for the first time in forever, see them as your beloved brother or sister, with whom you should have been having pure fellowship, but with whom you only had discord? How will that feel? On what basis do you feel justified in rejecting any believer you have known? Or, having been on the receiving end, by what excuse have they rejected you? (Usually, it is mutual.)
Remember that you will spend eternity with that person. Better to learn to love them now, rather than to go through life having your fellowship with God damaged by your bad relationship with other believers. Do you think that can’t happen? Peter specifically warned husbands to love their wives in a particular way, so that their prayers would not be hindered. (1st Peter 3:7)
There is Only One Lord.
The “One Lord” is referring to the Lord Jesus Christ. One might think that this one is a “given.” But many people have taken license to “re-construct Jesus” to their own specifications. One aspect of this “re-construction” is that they generally conclude that Jesus is not God in the Flesh, but rather (pick one):
- Just a great teacher and prophet
- An exalted man
- A powerful spirit being
- A lesser god
- Or some other form of created being, but NOT the Creator.
Sorry…any doctrine that concludes Jesus is other than the Everlasting Father is false . Why do I say this? I mean, really…: He is God the SON, right? (Turn to Isaiah 9:6, 7.)
“His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, THE mighty God, THE everlasting Father.” (There it is!) Do you know what Jesus said about this? He claimed to be the Judge of all the Earth (John 5:22…compare Genesis 18:25). He said that all men were to honor Him “as they honor the Father” and He went on to say that if they do not honor the Son (to that level) then they do not honor the Father who sent Him. (John 5:23)
Make a Choice!
That’s a pretty straight, hard, clean “line in the sand,” if you ask me. You either see Jesus as THE God of the Universe, or you do not truly see him.
Further, his character and doctrine are carefully laid out in the Word of God. He is not some radical philosopher, or social activist, or ascetic monk, or any of the other ways he has been portrayed; he is the Holy God of the Universe, in Human flesh. Fully Man…and fully God.
Deal with it! Embrace it! Accept him as the Bible teaches him to be! And, if the church you are attending does not honor him in that way, then you may prayerfully consider finding a church that does. One thing all the “cults” have in common is that they all claim to honor Jesus, but none (that I am aware of) embrace his deity as spelled out in scripture.
One further point: He is Lord! He is the Master. We are to obey him in all things, and when we do, there will be unity. There can only be disunity when we are not following Him. Dr. McGee points out that, when an orchestral conductor lifts his baton, all the players’ eyes are on him and all their instruments are silent. When the conductor begins the count, the instruments all come in at their proper times, playing their proper melodies, counterpoints, harmonies, etc.! Why?
Because; (a) they have the written music before them, (b) they are in full agreement as to what it says, and (c) they have agreed to allow the Conductor to interpret it for the group. Make no mistake—the Conductor is Christ…not some pastor or teacher. But when we are in tune, and following that Conductor, we will be in harmony here on Earth.
There is Only One Faith.
Throughout history, people have tried to codify this “one faith” in creeds, each claiming to outline the “one true faith.” The word “catholic” has been stolen by a particular group of people claiming to have that “one true faith.” The English word “catholic” used to only mean “universal”…but now it is so completely associated with the Roman Catholic sect, that I never use the word in teaching. I am trying to not cause doctrinal confusion. When that word is used, today, every single hearer automatically thinks of Romanism, not the unity of the body of Christ. So I have abandoned that term to the opposition. The concept is what matters.
We believe the Bible to be literally God’s written Word, and, in the original Manuscripts, without error. Could someone be saved and have some doubts about that? Certainly, they could. Many do, because of bad teaching. But could they miss the fact that Jesus is the only Savior and that His blood was shed as the single payment for the sins of the whole world and still be saved? I would have trouble with that one unless they were a brand-new believer, and completely untaught. At some point, the “One Faith” has to center on the “One Savior.”
There may be various digressions into error that would not separate them from the Person of Christ, but any teaching that turns the heart of the believer away from a personal faith in the living Christ as being their only avenue to God is at least suspect, and probably fatally flawed.
What is the “Apostles’ Doctrine?”
Acts 2:42 refers to “the Apostle’s Doctrine.” I would say that is the same as the “one faith.” If you want to see what it entails, then study the epistles. The epistles comprise the Apostle’s Doctrine. Most churches have a “doctrinal statement,” somewhere, that can be requested and read. I am told that we have one somewhere, but I’m not sure I have seen it.
We simply believe the Bible is the Word of God and that it is completely true: that it is meant to be understood and, where applicable, obeyed. We believe that Jesus truly is who he said he was…God in the Flesh, and the only Savior. We believe that faith alone, in response to His Grace is all that is required for salvation. We believe that one can know now…today…that one has eternal life; and that one’s sins have been completely forgiven. All these are part of that “One Faith.”
There is Only One Baptism:
This is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, wherein He permanently places the believer into the Body of Christ. (1st Corinthians 12:13) This is not water-baptism. There are many different forms of water baptism, and we are not to break fellowship over them. Oddly enough, the main contention over the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is concerning when it occurs.
According to the scriptures, it happens at the moment of salvation. Romans 8:9 states that if you don’t have the Holy Spirit, then you aren’t saved. So it has to happen at the moment of salvation. Jesus stated (John 5:24) that when a person hears the Gospel and believes it, they are saved. They have eternal life at that moment. So, it must happen at the moment one places his or her faith in Jesus as his/her savior.
There is Only One God and Father of all.
Many have interpreted this to mean that God is the Father of all Humans. Jesus showed the falsehood of that teaching. He told the Pharisees that they were of their Father, the Devil (John 8:44). Paul confirmed, in Ephesians 2, that we were (past tense) all the children of wrath, by nature—by birth. In Romans 5:10 he stated that we were all the enemies of God…not his beloved children.
But that One God and Father, who is the Father of all believers, through the new birth, is the One to whom we owe our Love and Worship. Remember that Jesus is called the Everlasting Father. Do I understand the Trinity? No! Absolutely not! But do I preach it? Yes, absolutely! And that One God is above all else; He is through all time and Space, and He is in all true believers. He is preeminent, omnipotent, omnipresent, and indwelling His children forever.
How Do We Maintain Unity?
Based on these seven facts that collectively form the “Unity of the Spirit” we are commanded to maintain Love and fellowship between ourselves and all other believers. It is possible that some differences, while they do NOT destroy unity or fellowship might still be a practical hindrance to working together, say, in Evangelism. Paul admits this. But we are still free to work separately, rejoicing that they, too, are carrying the Gospel to those who have not heard it.
So, rather than bicker, let’s get on with the job, ourselves, and not allow our petty disagreements to defile the message of Christ. We all have work to do, and we are all called to work with Jesus at that task.
God give us Grace to Work together, and to Love one another, in Jesus’ Name.